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Beast Boy's POV
I woke up in Robin's arms again.
I wish every day could be like this.

I don't remember when i started liking him but i like him so much now, i get so jelaous when he is close to any of the girls, especially Starfire.

I know that Starfire doesn't like him but why does she have to be so touchy with him, she is not like that with me or Cyborg!
Yes it makes me so jealous.

I like him too much for my own good.
I wish i could tell him. I tried to tell him a few times but then either he switched the theme of our conversation or someone interrupted us.

I will try today again if have any luck. At the end of the day i will ask him to go on the rooftop with me and stargaze. Yess that will be so romantic, he will notice how beautiful it looks and in all cheesy romance he will say how beautiful it looks and i will flirt with him. If he still is too oblivious to see it then i will fucking kiss him because i can't contain myself anymore. Yes he is cute when he is oblivious but come on i can't take it anymore sometimes.

For now i think i will go to sleep and try to rest my nerves before i need to confess tonight.


Robin's POV
As i was enjoying my time on my computer, searcing for that Charmer villian, my teamates thought it would be fun if they just barged inside my room.

"Sure, just come in." I say ironically, not even looking away from my computer.

"Oh come on Robin, we wanna hang out together, let's go out for pizza!" Cyborg said happily.

"Yeaaah, it will be fun." Starfire said.

I turned around to face them.
"And you Raven? You wanna go too?" I ask her.

"I'm just hungry." I laughed a little at her response. I'm not even suprised at this point.

"Have you asked BB too? He surely wants to go too." I said hopefully but tried to act fool i mean cool. Yeah..

"Yeah he is coming." Raven says while weirdly looking at me.

"I am starving so yeah i could go." I said happily as i got up and went to get my jacket.

"Get the car ready Cy." I say happily to him.
He nodded and rushed outside.


We arrived at out favorite restaurant, the pizza here is amazing. Also not a lot of people come here so we have lots of privacy.
But the food here is to die for, so mostly we're here for good food.

Speaking of food, Beast Boy dressed up as a whole meal. Damn does he looks good.

I wish i could eat him up. I think he noticed my staring and he looked into my eyes, we stared into each others eyes as neither of us wanted to break it until the waiter came and broke it.

"What do you wanna order?" He sweetly smiled, but now i just lost my appetite.

We ordered as usual and we waited for our pizza to come.

"I need to use toilet real quick, be right back." Beast Boy says as he stood up.

After he left, everyone looked at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask them confused.

"Stop playing dumb, we know." Raven suddenly says.


"You like Beast Boy and he likes you. It's so obvious." Cyborg says and rolls his eyes with a smile in his face.

"First of all, there is no way he likes me! And what if i do like him, he would never accept me." I say sadly.
Then i realized how they all are being supportive about how i like him. I have the most amazing team mates and friends.
"So you admit it, you do like him." Raven says with a smirk.

"Yes, since you all know, there's no need to hide but please don't tell him. I don't want to ruin anything i have with him." I say quickly.

"Actually we thought we could help you two." Starfire suggested.

"Why? He doesn't like me so there's no point in me confessing. He probably likes you Raven or even maybe you Cyborg." I said annoyed by now.

Suddenly they all laughed at me.

"What?" I ask angrily now.

"You're are so oblivious. He doesn't like anyone but you, can you trust us and so we could help you two finally?" Raven asks with a smile on her face.

"Fine. Let me hear this big plan of yours."

They quickly explained it to me and it sounded really good actually. I think i could put it to action next time we see each other.

Just as we finished, speaking of the devil, he has just come back from the toilet.

And the pizza also came minutes later. We all enjoyed our pizza happily. Later on this evening i decided to ask Beast Boy if he wanted to hang out with me.


"Hey BB." I say as i leaned on the doorframe of his room.

"Hey Robin, wassup?" He casually got up from bed and came closer to me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me for a bit on the rooftop?" I ask shyly but i looked full of confidence.

He nodded happily and took his jacket, we rushed to the rooftop together.

"What's the hurry?" I ask with a giggle.

"It's just the night is beautiful and i love to just sit outside and watch the stars." He commented.

"Oh yeah? Me too, especially when I'm with you." I flirted a little but i don't know if he noticed it. I tried to be really bold by saying that. That's too cheesy even for me.

"I'm glad, i feel the same way." He said it with such a big smile. I wanted to kiss him real bad.

"Oh i have something to give you." I suddenly remembered.
I pull out a paper and gave it to him.

"A blank paper."

"Yep." I say and i wanted to laugh by how confused his face looks right now.

"I want you to write something." I continued.
He nodded.

"Write irresistible."
His handwriting is so pretty not even close compared to mine. I admired him as he wrote it.

"Now what?" He asks confused, i giggled a bit since i couldn't hold it anymore.

"Well, now you will keep that. You will bring that paper next time we hang out and i will say to you a new word. It's kind of a game." I tried to be discreet.

"Oh, will i have to guess the meaning at the end?" He asks, suddenly excited.


"Oh, okay. So 'irresistible'. What's that got to do with?" He asks curiously.

"No telling." I said with a sing sang voice. He pouted cutely afterwords.

I think this is the best idea the team had in a while. If this doesn't help him figure out my feelings without me telling him the i don't know what will.

Hey guys.
Wooooo finally update. I have a big writers block but then i got an idea, finally! The one thing i was missing in this story.
Hope it was worth the wait.
Bug out😜💖

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