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Beast Boy's POV
Robin has been acting weird lately, going out lately and saying how he has some bussines to take care of but nothing serious, it's getting me curious and a little bit worried.

I think today, when he will say he will go out again, i will follow him.
I'm just curious that's all!


Later that night, as expected he came to say goodbye to us like he usually do.

After we said quick goodbye i quickly excused myself to my room, pretending i am tired and going early to sleep.

As I'm about to actually follow him, i started to think how maybe this is wrong.
I'm sure he isn't hiding anything.
He said he has some bussines, but if it's bussines why can't we help him?

You know what, I'm going!

I transformed myself into crow and quickly catched up to him.

Eventually i got tired and thought i was going to lose him just as he stopped by some restaurant i think.

Hi waved to some people outside the restaurant and hugged them all.
Maybe they are really good friends and they usually make deals with him whatever this bussiness is about so that's how they got close to each other right???

I flew to some streetlight close to them so i could hear them clearly.

"Robin, good to see you again!" A cute girl greeted him happily.

"Happy to see you all to. How have you been?" He asks them.

"Oh nothing except that we moved to this awesome place together!" She screamed.

"Wow really?! I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thank you it was hard to find a good apartment." The guy pulled the girl closer to him and kissed her cheek. I guess they are dating.

"So you live alone now, how you holding up?"
He looks at the boy who is very close to him and i don't like that one bit. Too close to him.

"Why so curious? You wanna live with me?" He smirked at him and Robin quickly looked away from him back to the other two.

"N-no, can't i just be curious?" He defended himself.

"Right because you definitely wanna live with him!" The other teased Robin.
My anger started slowly building up.

"You guys are always all over each other." The girl joined them.

"Guys let him breath." He says as he pulled his hand around Robin. My anger has risen to a new level, if he does anything, i think I'll go down there and punch him in that handsome face. He knows he is pretty and he likes Robin. It's so obvious!!!!

"So what have you been up to?" He asks Robin after he calmed down the other two.

"Well nothing much, you know trying to catch bad guys, same old stuff."

"We wanna know the details about your boy!!!" The girl happily cheered at him.
Robin's boy? Is he dating someone???

The amount of sadness completely overflowed my anger i had earlier.

"You don't wanna listen to me about all cheesy stuff about him." He tries to get away from the topic but i know they will probably pester him more about it. I need to know too.

If Robin is dating someone, then that means....we can't be together.

"Come on!"

"Well he is very cute, very kind and funny." Robin laughs a little. I smile at his happiness but it also saddens me.

"Aww, he sounds so cute!" The girl obviously had a thing for sappy romance stories because she looked happy every time they spoke something romantically related.

"He is. He is also my best friend. I can't imagine not being with him." After i heard that sentence, it crushed me.
So they are together. Not only they are best friends but also dating?!

I let my tears flow silently but not nearly as silent my animalistics decided to react and i let out a sound, and it was loud, very loud since I'm still a crow.

They all got suprised and looked at the direction where they heard that sound and it happpened.
Robin looked eyes with me.
I couldn't bare to look at him anymore so i decided it was time to go back home.

I can't bare to look at him anymore and i know he knows that it was me since I'm still green when i transform and i was on top of the streetlight where all around was light.

Until now he hasn't ever looked at me, the way he did now. I saw sadness in his eyes and confusion. I couldn't dwell on it and stopped thinking about it on the way home.

Crying my eyes made me stop at another building, where i can rest till i recover my sense of view.
I didn't wanna transform, just wanted to stay in a form of bird so i could be ready to fly again.

Alas it was not possible to stop crying after hearing him call out my name.

"Beast boy!" Did he ran after me?

Since he knew it was me, i thought why not and let him talk to me.

"Beast boy, i-.." he didn't know how to start but i waited. I had my back turned on him and too scared to face him, scared that if i see his face i will do something i might regret later on.

"What are you doing outside?" He asks.

"Just enjoying the bight breeze. Couldn't sleep." I say calmly, thankfully my tears stopped and i could at least focus a bit on his choice of words.
I don't need to be blinded by my own tears more to see he has hurt me, he does not love me. He is with another guy, thankfully not the guy who was all over him a moment ago but some lucky motherfuker he is.

"Oh. Well do i say this...have you been spying on me?" He asks. I finally turned around and transformed as i collected some strength.

"No, why would i? What good would have come out of it?" I ask him coldy.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just you were just there when i was talking to-" i cut him off.

"Bussines people or actually your friends?" I ask getting sassy by the second.

"Fine they are my friends, are you hurt by that?" He asks me.

"I'm hurt you lied to us but i don't care about anything you do. Besides you have your amazing boy to make you happy?" I didn't wanna mention that but i got so angry by now i couldn't keep it in.

"What my boy? Like a boyfriend? Beast Boy i do-"

"You don't have to act anymore like you don't have a boyfriend. They said so themselves and you spoke about him so in love. You could've told me. I thought we were helping each other and telling each other everything." I can't do this anymore. One more second i stay, i will say something it doesn't have to be said.

"It's not that, will you just listen to me?"

"Then what is it?" I ask impatiently.

"First of all, they were my first team, before i left them and found my new team, you guys. You guys are my best friends. And the boyfriend thing-"

"You know what i get it. You're happy. I'm sorry Robin, i can't take this anymore. I'm just overwhelmed right now by you lying to us." I said as i transformed back into crow and flew back to the tower.
Crying all the way back. I couldn't let him finish that sentence, afraid he will say that he meant to tell me but didn't want me to find out this way, something along those lines.
After i got back into my room, i locked my windows and door, lay on the bed and cried my heart out.

Hey guys!!!
I had a sudden writers block, but its fixed finally. I had an idea for a whole book and every chapter but i was stuck at one point like what should they talk now or what should happened?
Its a real struggle lol.
Bug out😜💖

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