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Third's POV
Last night events rolled inside Beast Boy's head over and over again.
He tried to comprehend what happened but couldn't, still crying in his room and not going out, not even to eat.
He didn't wanna let anyone inside.

Just like his tears ran threw his cheeks, the rain outside didn't make him feel any happier, only put him into more saddened mood.

He sat by his window, looking outside, hoping for sun to come out, like telling him it will be all okay and that he will be happy again. But how could he, after the bomb that was dropped last night?

He tried cheering himself up a bit by playing some of his songs but no songs in the world could cure a boy's heartbreak.

Day has passed just like that, the same thing happened the next day too and the day after that.

Teamates started to get worried, the only thing Beast Boy ate was banana and that's it. He only ate so he wouldn't worry them so much but that was still nothing to his teamates. Whenever someone knocked on the door and asked him if he wanted to eat, he said he wasn't hungry.

Robin tried talking to him, meaning go to his door and ask if they could talk but Beast Boy never did respond, only ignored him. It hurt too much to face him right now.


Threw out the third day after that night, Robin has had enough of all this, but speaking to BB and BB not letting him explain about what happened.

It should be noted that Beast Boy told his teamates when he got home he just feels tired. They don't know anything that happened between him and Robin.

Robin made an apology basket, where he put Beast Boy's favourite things, like videogame, snacks, blanket to keep him warm late at night while he watches a movie which he also put it in and lastly the last 3 words on paper for their game. Hoping it would cheer him up after he would let him explain what happened the other night.

Robin knocked on BB's door but nothing was heard. He decided to let himself in, thankfully it wasn't locked. Everyone realized BB was sad and they gave him space, respectfully knocking on his door whenever they wanted to talk to him but Robin had it enough.

He saw him lying on his bed covered with blanket. Faced towards the window.

"Beast Boy, can we talk?" Robin asked softly, not wanting to scare him off or start a fight if he comes off too strong.

"I don't think so." He simply replied, his voice rasped and dry from all the crying.

"Then at least listen to me." Robin was determined to tell what he should have said long time ago.

"As i said they were my old team and longtime friends. I didn't want to tell all of you yet because i didn't want you to think i would go back to them and leave you all. I love you all so much. You guys are my best friends. I didn't mean anything bad by hiding them." He explained quickly and took a quick breath before continuing again.

"I don't have a boyfriend. I never did have. What you heard was how i could not imagine not being best friends with him. I'm scared of confessing to the person i love, i only hurt them. They don't deserve me. Anyway i came here to apologise for everything.
I made a basket apology for you. It has all your favourite things." He stopped for a moment before finally saying.

"It also has the last 3 words. The game is over, i don't wanna play it anymore, it wouldn't be fair towards you, you need to know what is going on. So after you read it, we can talk again. You probably need to think about all this." He finishes and leaves the basket next to his bed.

"Don't you wanna at least say something to me?" He asks Beast Boy before thinking of leaving him alone.

"What do you expect me to say? You lied to us, to me, your best friend, i feel hurt Robin." He responded sadly.

"I want you to understand from my point of view, I'm so sorry for lying to you. I wanted to tell you, i did but i couldn't. What can I do for you to forgive me?" He asks him.



Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing video games in Beastie's room and talking about what happened.

"So what did you tell him?" Cyborg asked anticipation.

"That i would think about it and i would give him my answer later today."

BB told Cyborg what happened, of course he needed to tell his best friend after being holed up in his room for 3 days. He thought how he can't let himself be this beat up and need to tell someone what happened so he could get some advice and to cheer him up.

"But i did told him how if i suggest this, will he even do it because it's not something easy to do."

"What did he say?" He asks him excitedly.

"That he would, i think he is really sorry about lying. I'm happy to hear that."

"But you know, you should read his letter he gave you." Beast Boy still didn't read last 3 words even though that's what he wanted from the start of the game, he just told Cyborg that is his letter of apology.

"Fine i will. I will do it now so you can stop pestering me about it." He rolled his eyes at him and grabbed the paper to read the words.


Even though they were the last words, Beast Boy still didn't understand what all those words mean. He decided to write them all together, to read it better.


He still didn't understand even after looking at the words all together.

"Hey Cy, do you know what all these words mean together? I'm supposed to make a sentence but i don't get it." He shows him the paper with words.

He read it a few times and gasped.

"Only you wouldn't understand because of how stupid you are." Cyborg smirks at him after saying that.

"HEY!" BB yells at him and takes paper from his hands.

"I'm not stupid. I will figure it out, right now actually!" He wanted to prove him wrong but how could he when he didn't understand a thing it was written.


Later on, Robin came to Beast Boy's room as they agreed on.

"Hey BB, so did you decide and what should i do for you?" He asks him.

Beast Boy came up to him.

"Yes, actually two things."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Tell me the meaning of this game and what is the meaning of these words."

"Well i can't tell you the first thing since that was the whole point of the game, for you to find out."

"These words are just so random, how should i know what are they about."

"Give me at least a hint."

"Fine. It describes a person. That's all I'm gonna say. You sure you don't want me to do anything more?" He asks him.

BB wanted to say he wants to say who does Robin like but he didn't have the strength to hear it but instead he said "Meet me later on rooftop, I'll tell you what i wanna do."

"Okay but are we good?" He asks him.

"Not yet but we will be." He gives him a sad smile.


Hey guys. Yay update. I think i have gotten better at Third's POV.
Anyway I'll try to update again today or soon.
I thought how i should end this, make it in like 2 chapters or 5 more.
Bug out😜💖

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