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Robin's POV
As much it hurts to hear Beast Boy saying he likes someone that is not me and he will confess next week, i will confess regardless.

I think it will be better for me to get it off my chest.

Today I'm going out to hang out with my old friends, who i am hoping will cheer me up and give me some advices.

(A/N: his old friends will be my OC's)

I don't know how long has it been since we last saw each other. We would hang out till late and then help out someone if we saw someone in need.
It all stopped after i found new friends and we became a team.

I miss the good old times. I wonder who changed the most out of all 3 of them.

So there's Philip, beautiful man with long brown hair, he always have it tied in a ponytail more like a manbun. He has a small tattoo on his left arm. Always wears tight clothes to show off his masculine build.

Then there's his girlfriend Christine, they have been together for like forever. Ever since i reached out to them i was suprised that they are still together but I'm happy for them. They're like the perfect couple.

She has long brown hair and green eyes, she is very shy and introverted which is a total opposite of Philip, they complete each other.

And the last but not least Felix. He was my first friend. He means a lot to me, he's like a brother to me.
The last time we saw each other, he was shorter than me, so will see if he still is. He had a dyed hair in dark blue, i wonder if he still dyes his hair.
He always had my back and been there for me.
I love him so much, i miss him the most.

I can't wait to see all of them.

I have gotten ready for going out now. I looked for the team, all of them were in the living room playing card games.

"Hey guys, I'm going out, have fun!" I said happily.

"Wait, where you going?" Beast Boy immediately asked first.

"Are you going on a date?" Cyborg asked with a wink in the end.

"Are you going out to buy something to eat, if yes could you buy some snacks?" Starfire asked.

"Star I'll see what i can do, it will be very late when i will be going home. No it's not a date, actually i have some..." i suddenly realized how they wouldn't want to hear I'm going with some old friends, maybe the team would get jelaous.

Not sure how they feel about it. I mean they were all like my old team, my first team and now they're are my new team.

"I have some business to take care off. Nothing that would interest you all." I said and waved them off. Thankfully no one dare to question it more.


I happily got on my motorbike and put on my helmet. I set down the location and started driving towards where we all are supposed to meet.

I wonder how we have all changed, I'm worried we all changed too much and that we're not gonna get along so great.

I have finally arrived and saw they were all waiting for me.
They all come up to me and i took of my helmet, already smiling brightly at them.

"Hi guys, long time no see!" I say happily.

Christine was the first to hug me tightly, of course i happily returned it.

"Robin, we missed you so much!!!" She sounded like she was crying, i giggled at her reaction.

"I missed you all too."

She finally let me go and Philip didn't spare a second to also hug me.

"Good to see you."

"You too." After we let go, i locked eyes with Felix.

Wow he did get taller.
He also has blonde hair now. Wow he looks very handsome, i never noticed that before.

I looked at him up and down, not believing that's him.
I didn't even noticed he is so close to me until he put his hand on my chin and lifted it up so i can look back at his eyes.

"Eyes up here handsome."
I blushed so hard, i don't get this compliments often so i easily blush.

"Come on, give me your warm hug. I missed it." He brings me closer to him and hugs me tightly.

"I missed you too."

"Okay you loverbids, let's just go." Christine says while laughing with Philip.

We went to some bar and started to catch up, turns out i was worried for nothing. We didn't change much.

"So you have a new team?" Philip asked.

"I heard you go by Teen Titans, right?" Felix asks too.

"Uh yeah, I'm their leader." I shyly say and they all shouted in suprise.


"Yeah, they wanted me as their leader, saying how I'm so great, i still don't believe them." I say as i kept my eyes glued to my drink.

"Are you dating anyone?" Felix asked me. I haven't expected they would ask me something related to that.

"Uh no, but i am trying to confess to this boy i like." I say, i know they know my sexuality so i wasn't afraid to say it clearly who do i like.

"That's very brave." Philip said with a smile.

"Thanks." I noticed how Felix was acting a bit awkward after i said that.

We stayed a little more together before i had to go.

"Here's my number, stay in touch." Felix gave it to me, i didn't have only his number so I'm glad he gave it to me.

"Thanks, you know i will."


It was already late when i arrived back at tower.

It looked like everyone was already asleep.
But then i heard someone walking behind me, i quickly turned around but i was tackled to the floor.

I locked eyes with the attacker and i immediately recognised those beautiful eyes.

"BB, hey it's you. If you wanted a hug you could have just asked me." I laughed at him.

He still didn't respond to me.
After a minute of silence he finally reacted it.

"Where were you?! I was worried to death!" He almost shouted but probably remembered how everyone else is sleeping.
He then hugged me tightly.

"Oh I'm sorry, i didn't realise i came so late. I'm sorry, I'm here now." I said sweetly.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before moving to living room.
He again snuggled up to me and hugged me close, he must have been very worried.

"Would it make you feel better if i give you 2 words today to make up for coming so late and making you worried?" I asked and smiled sweetly at him, he so cute when he is all snuggled up to me.

He nodded.

"First one is VIP and the next one is Extraordinary."

"How many words are there?" He asked in a whisper.

"3 more."

"Okay. I hope you tell me the next one soon. I'm really curious."

"I will. You're exhausted, you need your beauty sleep. Now go to sleep." I said and bid him good night as i walked him to his room.

"Night Robin."

"Night Beastie."

Hey guys
Finally an update! Hope you liked it.

Next chp soon but in Beast Boy's POV ;)
Bug out😜💖

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