Chapter 15

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May 15, 2015

I sit on the steps with a blanket around me. A cop tries to comes towards me to ask me more questions, but Jan shoos him away before he can. She sits down next to me and offers me a cup of sweet tea. I take it and stare at it.

"How are you doing?" I look at her.

"You know, I've had a blanket draped over me because I'm in 'shock', and had people asking me questions all week, been given sympathetic looks to match, and not once has anyone asked me that." I say. She looks at me with a smile.

"You know you kids are my number one priority. But seriously, who would have done this?" I shake my head, already knowing the answer but not telling her. Her phone rings. She answers it and steps away. "Hank, I'm a little busy right now. Oh, so you have heard the news." She walks away and leaves me with my thoughts.

They're gone. They were actually taken. I couldn't believe it. Why would Tiffani do that. I mean, yes, obviously she wanted their powers, but seriously, why?! I just don't understand, she's doing it to get revenge on me, but what did I ever do to her? I-I...I hear my name. I look up, and realize Jan just said it into her phone. I focus my hearing on her.

"Yes, that's right. Lillian Robins. One of my charges, you met her before. Yes Hank, but she hasn't done anything. Look, are you sure that this is the one Stark wanted me to look out for? I mean, all she's doing is sitting on the steps staring miserably into her tea." I look down, and stare at my reflection. I see a miserable girl, I see a mistake, I see someone even her parents didn't want and she couldn't save her brother, or her friends, she couldn't even keep her machine safe. I close my eyes as a single tear runs down my cheek and I hear Jan say, "Hank, I don't know what to tell you, but she's just a normal girl." The tear runs down, and land in my cup. I look at the ripples, and I think...I think...I...No, that's not my fucking ending.

I jump up, and sprint down the street. I hear Jan yell and I yell back over my shoulder, "It's okay, I've just got to save my friends!" I turn the corner and call Cecilia.


"Cec, I need you're help. Do you know the Shadow Mercenary?" There's a pause.

"Why?" She sounds a bit preoccupied.

"Look, I'm sorry if you're busy, but this is important."

"Trust me, if you need her, she'll be there. I gotta go." I look at my phone as she hangs up. Wow, what a waste of time.

"Something told me you were looking for me." A mechanical voice says behind me. I turn around and see her leaning against the brick wall of a building. She looks stoic, but I can tell she was looking for me too.

"You said, last time we spoke, that you knew I had powers. You didn't say that you knew my friends had powers, but that I did. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now I am. What did you mean?" She shrugs.

"Not powers, per say, but definitely abilities. You have more advanced senses, you have more agility, and quite frankly, when you feel like you should have all your emotions going to hell, your mind is suspiciously clear. I'm just guessing obviously, based on your personality, but I'd bet a fiddle of gold against your soul I'm right."

"So what? Tiff's probably got an army!"

She shrugs again. "Not an army, but she does have some body guards. You could get through them fairly easily though."

"Won't she be expecting me?" At this, she laughs. It's cold and metallic, and I feel a shiver down my spine. I suppose she did that on purpose.

"I didn't tell her about you. Now, enough chitchat. Her machine dohicky is in the basement at school. Good luck getting in." I turn and start running, when she yells to me. "Remember kid, I'm rooting for you!" She disappears as I run towards the school.

End of part one.

Yes, I know, cliffhanger. I promise I'll update sooner on part two though. This story's coming to an end, but I just hope I can do it justice. And yes! Lily does have powers after all! Yay! But really, *Petrio voice* You didn't see that coming?

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