Chapter 12

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March 22, 2015

"Have all the resources been collected?" I ask my underling.

"Yes, three tons of oil, two and a half tons of titanium steel, and a four by four block of pure uranium." He says. I nod.

"Get my main supplier on the screen." I say, turning my chair around to face my multitude of screens. A few of them show different security screens from around my facility, and a few around my ally bases. The main one crackles to life, and on screen is my freckle faced, ninja based main supplier.

"Hello, Shadow. Long time, no see." I purr, fingers steepled underneath my chin.

"What is it you need?" Her computerized voice says. I groan.

"Must you use your hidden voice modulator? I thought we were past that point, and the mask too, quite frankly."

"Sorry, the mask stays on. Security purposes, you must understand."

"I use no mask, no voice disguiser."

"You are also not a wanted criminal."

"You're fifteen, how wanted could you be?"

"You'd be surprised. Multiple bounties on my head, it forces one to go into hiding. Or," She pauses here. "Forced to take on a pseudo-position. Such as I have with SHIELD."

I incline my head so I look down my nose slightly at her. "So the rumors are true. And here I was feeling special that the great Shadow Mercenary herself came out of hiding to do my dirty work."

She lifts one eyebrow, expression still cautiously stoic. "There must be reason behind this call. You never just 'Stop in to say hi', as you have told me in the past."

I shrug. "Just praising you on your work today. Soon my power-neutralizing chambers will be finished. I have my best men working on it."

"Why do you have me steal such strange resources? And why did you insist I, what did you say? Change up my game?"

I smirk, knowing I have her just where I want her. With the reputation she has built up, I know this is a very difficult task. "That is on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know."

She shrugs, expressionless once again. "I ask only for the sake of formalities. I already know the answers."

I laugh. "Is that so?"

She nods. "You have found four teens who have a friend who upsets you. These four teens have powers, powers you hope to drain from them and make them your own powers. You are creating this chamber to neutralize the powers and teens while you slowly drain it from them, and exact your revenge on their friend. You plan on doing this on May 15, so as to not interfere with your grades, and because the machine is not ready yet. Anything I'm missing?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. I stare at her, then slam my fists down on the panel in front of me.

"How the hell could you possibly know that?" I ask, angry beyond all control, and considering throwing something. I can only see her eyes and eyebrows from behind her mask, but I can tell she's smiling at me, the smug bitch.

"That's on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know. I have sent the last of the resources, thank you for obeying my fees and paying in advance. Have a nice day." The screen turns to static, and I sit back down, wondering how she could have possibly known, how could she have possibly known?! I didn't tell my entire plan to anyone, not my flunkies, not Cecilia, not even my diary! How?!?! I hear the door to my secret chamber open.

"Pumpkin, dinner's ready!" I hear my dad call from upstairs. I groan and yell back.

"Yeah, okay Daddy, I'll be up in a sec!"

"Okay, Tiffani, just don't spend too much time in the dark, you little evil mastermind, you!" He closes the door, and I spin around to my underling, a scrawny twelve year old boy who is only doing this because I gave him permission to tell his friends I've talked to him.

"You are dismissed." I tell him. He hurries out of the basement. I sigh, and turn to my framed picture of Ty. "Sorry you had to see that, sweetie." I say. I get up, fluff my perfect hair, and walk into the rest of my father's mansion.

Yeah, Tiff's a bitch. A rich, convining, evil mastermind, but a bitch nonetheless. Yeah, I had fun writing this chapter. And see? I told you that the Shadow Mercenary would be important later on. You're probably smart, you can put two and two together and get four. You have probably already got the basis of the rest of the story figured out, but read anyway, it gets better! And yes, sorry for all the filler chapters, but I'm updating about every 18 days, and the real crisis doesn't happen until May, so, ya know, focus on school work or something.

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