Chapter 13

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April 9, 2015

"Happy Birthday, Lily!" All my friends yell. I laugh as Mac says, "Now cut open the cake, I'm starving!"

"Fatty." Ty coughs. I elbow him as Jill cuts the cake.

"It's my birthday, be nice." I whisper as Mac and Nat fight over a cake slice.

"Hey Lils, I was wondering," Jill says. "How about some good one on one time? We haven't had time just you and me in a while." I pause, and think about. She's not entirely wrong. We haven't chilled in a while, I've been pretty busy. I smile.

"I'll take you up on that offer. It has been a long time since we last hung out." She grabs my arm.

"Great, let's go now!" She tugs me out the door.

"Wait, what about the cake and stuff?" I say. I'm not gonna lie, I haven't had cake in a few years, this is a pretty bad time to pop off to where ever. "Can't the mall or whatever wait?!" She pulls me around the corner, and hushes me.

"You still getting those, 'Beware the Ides of May' notes?" She asks. She stares me straight in the eye, and I feel a little jello around the knees.

"Uhh...this is a little serious of an issue, don'tcha think?" I mutter, taking a step back. She looks at me with the same velocity.

"Have you? It's very important." I look at her. There's no way she would bring this up if it wasn't. I nod.

"Yeah, pretty frequently, actually. They used to be vague, but now they just say the same thing. It used to say, Beware the Ides of May, and that was it. Now, it's a lot more detailed. 'Beware the Ides of May, or your friends will suffer. Brutus will stab you, and you won't realized until it's too late. I'm sorry.' Pretty creepy, huh?" She nods.

"I might actually have an idea to what that means." She says, digging in her purse. She pulls out her phone, and starts pressing some buttons through it. "See, I have a friend in my Geometry class, you probably know her, Mary-"

"Marchlewski?" I guess. I look at her. She is slightly dumbfounded.

"How did you...?"

"You have like, three friends, Jill." She squints at me, and continues.

"Anyway, she is best friends with McKayla. You have a couple classes with her, right?" How deep into her phone is this thing she wants to tell me?

"Err, yeah, we're lab partners. I almost failed a test, but she helped me, and she almost blew up a test tube using toothpaste and vinegar. Don't ask me, I'm not quite sure." I add the last part when she looks at me with doubt.

"Fabulous. Anyhow, Kay is Cecilia's cousin, and gets information for free. Don't ask me, I'm not quite sure." I look at her as she uses her words back at me. I roll my eyes.

"No wonder we're best friends, what's your point?"

"My point is, oh great friend o' mine, is that Kay discovered that Cecilia could somewhat very easily found out about us, and told Tiffani." I feel a cold plum pit in my stomach.

"Wha-what?" I ask. She tosses me her phone.

"Just ask her yourself." I look down and find that it's already calling Kay. I put it up to my ear. It rings twice, and she picks up.

"Hello, IT, have you tried turning it off and on again, this is McKayla speaking." I can hear the half eaten potato chips in her mouth. I sigh, because that is precisely how an IT department would say it. I speak from experience.

"Hey Kay, it's Lily." I say into the phone.

"Yoooooo, Lils what up? Don't you have my number? Why you callin' from Jill's phone? Oh, btws, she owes Mars-bars, like, five bucks from a bet on Tuesday? Not my ish." I hear an explosion in the background, followed by a small, "Dammit Kay."

"Are you...doing something?" I ask. There's a pause.

"Depends, you askin me out or askin if I'm doin something atm?"

"Atm. I mean, at the moment." I shake my head. Frickin' Kay.

"Ye, I'm playin GTAV wit mah bro. Nick, say hi!" I hear a grunt, and assume that was from Nick. I also hear a high pitched squeal of, "Hiiiiiiiii!!!" followed by the previous grunter saying, "Go away, Tash."

"Look, Kay, have you been talking with your cousin lately?"

"Mmm, got sixteen of 'em, which one?"

"Cecilia, obviously."

"Damn, aight aight. Soothe ya boobs. Ye, why?"

"And you said to Mary that she told Tiffani about me and my friends?"

"Yeaaaah, your deepest secrets. My cus scares me sometimes, but I know she don't sell out fam. Why?"

"Just wondering. Thanks, get back to your game."

"Aight, lates! See ya in Chem!" She hangs up and I hand Jill her phone back.

" look pretty beat up. Ya wanna go back home?" I look at her. She smiles gently, and I smile back.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." We laugh, and head back, eating our fair share of cake and more.

Cameooooooo!! And yeah, I, eh heh, actually talk like that. It's...pretty unfortunate. Whoops. And yes, Stan Lee is getting a cameo too. I'm not that mean.

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