You Shouldn't Worry(Adult!Y/N&Rex)

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My younger cousin has been very curious about this place "Dreamworld Entertainment Facility" and has been wanting to go there for a while. Since I am the only legal adult in the group, 18 years old, and her parents couldn't pay to have a private party, I paid for it.

They, and their friends, are around 13 and have been wondering what secrets the facility holds, so we booked the "Safety Training" party with this animatronic named Rex.

My uncle and aunt drove us to the facility and left after me, my cousin, and their three friends found the Rex animatronic. A worker in the area came up to us.

"Hello! This is Rex the dragon. He will be the one giving you all a tour around the secret tunnels and all the other stuff in his private party! Now Rex, I am guessing you already know what to do, so I'll leave them to you."

"Yes sir, have a wonderful day." The robot said, bowing down slightly to the worker.

"Heh, Glory wasn't joking when she said you're a gentleman. You're in good hands kids."

We we're then left alone with the animatronic.

"Follow me everyone. It's time for the tour of the tunnels you've been waiting for! Be careful to not get hurt and stay by my side at all times during this party."

He took us to the back to reveal a door that led to a whole path of tunnels inside the walls of the facility.

"These tunnels are made for animatronics like me to get to locations faster, and also for infirmary workers here to get to a child quicker if they are hurt.

To get to other floors of the facility, we must climb up ladders. But don't worry about falling, under each of the ladders, there is a small area with soft trampolines so that if you do fall from above, you will land safely on the ground."

We walked around for a bit until we came across a door.

"Behind this door is where I will show you different safety tapes and other stuff hidden from the public."

The others were in awe of the stuff we were about to see while I was getting ready for anything dangerous. I know what happens in horror films, we get taken to a room, shown some tapes, and then killed because of the information we found out. I watch horror films -_-.

Apparently, nothing bad happened. Huh. I still was on guard though. And while the kids were talking about the tapes and everything so far shown at the party, the robot noticed my stressed look.

"You okay there kid? You look stressed."

"I am just keeping my guard up in case something bad happens so that I can be prepared.."

"Why would anything bad happen? This is the Safety Training party after all."

"In places like these with animatronics, something bad always happens.. Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria, Bon's Burgers, FredBear's Family Diner, and more."

"Yeah, I get your worries, but don't worry, if something were to happen, I'd protect all of you, it is even in my coding to keep others safe."

"Huh, who knew an animatronic could be more human than most humans? Heh."

"Just don't worry. Everything will be alright. You know, you could work here if you'd like! Since you care about people's safety so much, like me."

"I have been thinking of getting a job to earn money and get out my parents' house. I'll consider it!"

"Cool, I'd be more than happy to work with someone like you."

"Mister Rex!" My cousin's friend called out "Is there anything else that we could see around here??"

"Of course kiddo, follow me!"

We were showed some other places around the building and various other secret tunnels and doors.

"And that's the end of our tour! Be sure to give a positive review online after you get home. Have a wonderful day, and I truly hope we'll meet again!"

"Bye mister Rex!!" "Byeee!" "Goodbye!" "Bye bye mister!" Said my cousin and their friends.

"Bye, Rex."
Words: 682 Words

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