"Take it easy.."(Glory&Adult!Y/N)

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!WARNING: If you have thanatophobia(FEAR OF DROWNING) then you don't have to read this oneshot if you're uncomfortable!

It was a normal Thursday night. To be honest, I hadn't gotten enough sleep and I was kinda dizzy from it. I made my way to the Seaventure floor and started the shift.

All I was really doing was stay away from Glory's pool. It wasn't because I disliked Glory! No, no, no. It was just because of the fact I couldn't swim and feared about falling in her pool.

Why'd I take this job in the first place then? Well it was the only job available at the moment when I was looking for one. Plus, I like the uniform.

It was a quiet night, and I could only hear my own footsteps and breathing. There were also the sounds of water dripping from the celling. Some kids just really like to splash water onto things, don't they?

After walking around and inspecting the place, I looked at my wristwatch and was surprised to see it show "05:27AM". Considering my shift was from 12AM to 6AM, I was almost ready to go.

"Huh. I don't have that much time left. Should I visit Glory? No, I could- Wait, if I fall, she'll just catch me! Why haven't I thought of this before??" I thought out loud.

And so, I started making my way to Glory's pool. Since I had around 30 minutes left, and never really looked around the pool as explained before, I thought it was a good oportunity to meet Glory.

I walked and walked, until the big- No, GIGANTIC pool was in sight. Glory was nowhere to be found and I was dissapointed to say the least.

Okay, I'm gonna be brave and get a closer look in the pool. I step closer, making sure I don't slip on some water left on the floor. Seems that either the janitor didn't clean, or recently did. Either way, the floor was wet-

God, I can't see anything! The only thing I see is shadows moving in the water. Most likely water decorations, and maybe through all of those silhouettes there was Glory. I call out for her.

"Glory!! Are you there!?" I slightly shout to be heard but not disturb the silence completely.

Nothing. I guess she's shut off or something. I think to myself "Guess I'll try some other time then.."

Before I could turn and head to the lobby, two golden lights in the water lit up and I assumed the place was lighting up for 6AM. I turned around too quickly and slipped into the pool. Oh god... No, no! This exacly what I feared!

I started freaking out. "No, no, no! I don't wanna die! I can't die! How the hell do I get out if this!? I'm too deep in the water already and I just had to go into in freeze mode! I can't move, I can't breathe!.."

I shut my eyes out of fear and stress, I had so many plans for my life yet they're all just gonna drift away(no pun intended) as I just die here I guess!-

"I've got you there, little guppy!"

I heard a voice in the water and felt a platform of sorts lifting me up to the surface. When it puts me down I start to cough out the water in my chest to the point it hurt to cough and breathe.

I looked back to the pool and as my vision cleared I saw Glory with a concerned look. I try to thank Glory but I get interrupted by more coughing.

"Take it easy little guppy, you should be more careful around slippery surfaces! I guess Rex was right about putting some sort of fence here.." Glory spoke her thoughts to me.

As my chest feels lighter and the coughing stops I speak with a raspy and shaky voice. "G-Glory.. Sorry for d-disturbing you, my shift was almost over so I wanted to visit you for t-the first time-" I cough again.

"It's really nice you wanted to visit but, as I said before, you should be more careful next time. If I wasn't here, then you could've drowned! Speaking of which, why didn't you just swim up?"

"Ah, well I can't swim actually.. I know, I know, 'Wow, an employee on the Seaventure floor can't swim?? How ironic!'. But yeah.."

Glory thought for a second before her golden eyes lit up with an idea- Wait, so those were the lights in the water?? Huh.

"How about this, tomorrow we will start personal swiming classes, ay? What do you say?" She suggested while resting her elbow on the surface away from me.

"Well.." I mean, I do need swiming practice, but I still have to do my job.. "Sure, I'll take it. But it'll have to be after I patrol around the floor, okay?"

"Of course! Oh, I didn't ask for your name yet."

"Name's Y/N, nice to finally meet you Glory." I answer her as I get back on my feet. "I think I have enough time to chat a bit more-" I look down at my wristwatch "I have like 19 to 20 minutes left so we can hang out until like 55 or around that."

And so, Glory and I talked about- Well, almost everything. She told me about some silly moments with Rex and everyone else, I told her about good times I had with my friends, and all that until 5:57AM. We said goodbye and I started leaving down to the Lobby to clock out and go back home.
Words: 948 Words
(SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED GUYS!!- I had school stuff, and I almost forgot this book even existed somehow- ANYWAYS, hope you enjoyed it!>u•)

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