Chapter 12

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***Mitch's P.O.V.***

I almost begin bawling on the spot but try to keep calm since the nurse is still here. "W-when can I go see them?"

"I'll bring in your doctor so you can discuss this with them."

So many thoughts were racing through my mind as I wait. What if she never wakes up? What if she doesn't remember anything? What if they decide to pull the plug? My thoughts are interrupted when a man walks into the room. "Hello. I'm the Doctor. How are you feeling?"

"Scared," I answer honestly.

"Oh it'll be okay. your friend is okay and the one in the coma has a very high chance of waking up. How do you feel physically?"

"Oh. Well I mean I feel perfectly fine. Can I please go see my friends."

After a few long seconds, he nods his head, but tells me that I need to be wheeled in a wheel chair. We head to Jerome's room first since he's actually awake. When we get there, his head is bowed. "Biggums," I whisper softly.

***Jerome's P.O.V.***

The nurse that had brought Mitch in exited. "It's all my fault Mitch," I saw quietly, "We could all be dead and it would be my fault."

"Don't even talk like that Jerome. It wasn't your fault and we're very much alive."

"But Kathy's not!" I burst, "She's in a coma, and it's my fault Mitch."

Mitch waited a few seconds before explaining that his doctor said that Kathy has a very high chance of waking up to try and make me feel better. I take deep breaths to try and calm down; I call in a nurse and ask if I can go with Mitch to visit the others. After she brings me my own wheelchair,  I beg much to let us go see Kathy first and he obliges.

She looks so peaceful. If I didn't know any better, I would think she's sleeping. Sadly, she's not. I look at her for a few more moments before I can't take it any longer. "Kathy please," I sob onto her chest, "I need you. Please wake up, I need you. I Love you."

***Kathy's P.O.V.***

Everything's so dark. What happened? Why can't I see anything? Suddenly, a reflection of myself pops up and says, "You have to wake up."

"But why am I sleeping in the first place?"

Just as rapidly as i appeared, I disappeared, and a boy's voice rang in my ears. "Kathy please. Please wake up, I need you. I Love you."

The voice sounds familiar, but I can't place it. Then I realize, JeromeASF! He Loves me?!?! I have to wake up! I try as hard as I can, but I can't open my eyes. I try and try with all my effort, but I'm unable. "Kathy, come back to me," Jerome continues. I struggle and finally, I pry my eyes open and see a bright light.

****A/N Hey doods! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed! This would have been posted earlier, but sadly this chapter wasn't saved after I'd typed it all out. The next chapter should be up by Friday (hopefully). Sorry there's no exact "update date" but there may be one soon.






In Benja we trust, in Bacca we must, with Betty in our grasps, they die in the rust.

/(>_</) (\>_<)\

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