Chapter 8

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**** Alyssa's POV ****

I woke up to the voices of Kathy and Mitch. I decided to just lay there with my eyes closed though. I fell asleep when I heard Mitch say that he like me a lot.


Mitch and I were at a party. I was happy and he seemed happy. But then I realized on the other side of him stood Maki!!?!!?!! I tried to yank him away from her but he didn't budge. He looked at me and he scowled.

"What are you doing here? Get outta here pip squeak. No body likes you. Go home."

What?!!??! I could feel the tears pricking my eyes. I tried to run, but I was stuck. Then, everybody started laughing at me and shoving me around. I could hear a voice shouting my name though.


"I'm here biggums let's get out of here."

I smiled at him. Good thing at least someone cared about me. He noticed I kept following him.

"What are you doing??!!?!"

"I-I thought you wanted me to follow you."

"No I was calling Kathy!"

K "Yea! Scram shrimp!"

I could here the voice again. Then there was an earthquake. And I was at my parent's grave. What?!?! When did they die?!?!

**** End dream ****


I woke up to find Mitch trying to wake me up by shaking me and screaming my name. That's when I realized.

"It was all just a dream", I thought out loud.

"What?? what are you talking about?"

I threw my self on him and cried on his chest. I couldn't stop hugging him

"It was all just a dream", I kept saying.

"Shhhh. What happened?"

"Well we were at a party and we were all happy. But it turned out you were happy cause of Maki and you told me to leave and that I was a pip squeak. Then I found Jerome. I thought he was leading me out, but it turned out he was taking Kathy. And Kathy called me a shrimp. And then there was an earthquake and and"

I started to cry harder.

"Sshhhh what happened next?"

"Well there was the earthquake a-and I was at my parents grave!!"

I couldn't contain myself anymore. I was already crying hard, but now, I was crying harder than I'd ever seen or done before.

"Sshh shhh. It's ok. It will all be ok."

"I have to call my parents!!"

I rushed to my phone ( still crying ) and dialed there number. Someone picked up but it wasn't them.


"Hello is this Alyssa * insert last name here * daughter of Mary and Greg * insert last name here *?"

"This is she"

"Ok. I'm sorry to say that your parents have been in a major car accident and the injuries are lethal."

OMG!!! I started hardcore crying (again) into the phone.


"Ma'm, please calm down."

"What hospital are you taking them to??!!"

"* insert hospital name here *"

"Ok thanks."

"Ok if that's it I have to go now. Good luck. Good bye."

We had to go visit my parents!


"Alyssa I'm so sorry. Do you wanna go visit them?"

He always knew what I was thinking.


"Of course. When do you wanna go?"


"Well they're not too far away. We can drive."


"No problem biggums."

"Oh and Mitch."

"Yes biggums."

"Thank you."

**** A/N ****

Sorry if this is realllyyyyyy short. I'm on my iPod so I don't even know. Anyway thanks for reading.





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>__< >~<

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