Chapter 9

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**** Jerome's POV ****

I stirred at the sound of people talking. It sounded like Mitch and Alyssa. I slightly opened my eyes when they stopped and I saw them kissing!! AAWWW Mitch already getting some. Hahahhahahahaha. I went back to sleep and woke back up AGAIN to the sound of people talking. But this time, they sounded sad. I jumped up right away and saw Alyssa crying into Mitch's chest. So me being me, I jumped into the hug and yelled, "HUUGG!!!" Alyssa giggled lightly and that's when Kathy woke up too. She decided to hug us and we became a big hug blob.

"GROUP BLOB!!" I yelled. We all laughed and stuff then I noticed Alyssa was really beat up looking. I decided not to ask her what was wrong right now but later. We all still looked tired so we decided to go back to sleep.

**** Alyssa's POV ****

After our "group blob" we decided to go back to sleep. But whenever I tried to sleep, I kept getting nightmares of my parents and waking up sweating. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself. I looked like a miserable wreck. I looked around and finally found something. A blade. I haven't done this since 6th grade. I promised I would never do it again. To Brandon, Janelle, Ashley, Sarah. ( total IRL moment right derr ) I couldn't help myself. I got the blade and slid it across my skin applying lots of pressure. I did this over and over again on both wrists. My eyes stung. Am I... crying???!!!?!? No. Stop blubbering like a baby Alyssa. You brought this upon yourself. I broke down crying thinking about everyone I've lost in life. My Grammy and Grandpy, my friends, Cooper, Kirby ( Oh god more IRL moments ). I sank to the floor my back against the wall. I jumped up realizing something. I washed my cuts and covered them up then sank back down. I curled into a ball and fell asleep like that.

^**^ dream land/flashbacks ^**^

"Where's Grandpy mommy?"

"He's not here baby."

I didn't realize at first. I was so young. Too young to realize my grandpa just died. My Grandpy. Someone I didn't talk to much but still loved and admired gone.

*** Bright Flash ***

My dad was on the phone with my mom. He handed me the phone.

"Baby Grammy's gone."

I tried not to cry in front of my dad. He didn't like it when I cried.

"Do you want to come down to Huntington?"

I asked my dad.

"No I don't want you there where they're all crying."


*** FLASH ***

My sister was at the podium, reading a hand written poem. I was sitting there in my seat. In the church. Crying. I didn't try to. I just couldn't stop. I always thought my grandma was too clingy and clean and grandma-y. But now she was gone.

**** FLASH ****

I finally woke up. With tears in my eyes. It was still really early, so. I took off my bandages to let my cuts breath and fell back asleep.

*** Le Time Skippy ***

I woke up ( again ) to the door opening. I was still half asleep so I couldn't see who it was. I rubbed my eyes and saw...

**** A/N ****

Aahhhh cliffhangers. Doncha just love'm?!

HEHEE sorry for the wait. School sometimes!! Anyway thanks for reading.





In Benja we trust in Bacca we must with Betty in our grasps, they die in the rust.

>__< >~<

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