Lovingly Yours

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Chapter 29:

*1 month later*

"You look perfect." Loki cooed, his voice like silk. His emerald eyes took in every visible piece of me. I looked down at my bare feet shyly. I didn't want to wear shoes, not even on my wedding day.

"I thought it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride." He gently lifted my head up so I looked into his eyes.

"I've never been one for rules, nor can I keep my eyes off of a girl as beautiful as you."

At that moment, Jane Foster and Pepper Potts burst into the room. "Thor told us you were in here, he can't keep his mouth shut." Jane said, putting her hands on her hips. Loki gave a mischievous smile.

"Out! Out out out!" Pepper and Jane said as they pushed him out the door. He gave a glance back, a childish smile on his face. They shut the door behind him and turned to me. They fussed with my dark hair, which had been pulled back in intricate braids. My dress went down to my ankles, strapless, and embroidered with lavender lace. I wondered what Loki was doing. I assumed that the guys (Steve, Bruce, Clint, Stark, Thor) were teasing and encouraging him. Natasha Romanoff walked in, and my train of thought broke. "They're about ready to start." She said. She smiled kindly and held the door open, waiting for me, Pepper, and Jane to come out. I took a deep breath, and walked out, the three of them trailing behind me. I walked outside into the evening sun. The air was cool, and a soft wind blew, making my dress flutter lightly. We were in a lush, green, flower filled valley with towering mountains surrounding us. It made me feel powerful, invincible, like I could take on anything. Like living happily ever after was a reality for everyone. I looked behind me at the enormous tents we had exited from, and I was happy that our wedding was something different. No hotels, no staff, just friends and a whole lotta luck. We didn't even have any music, only the whisper of the wind and the the sound of the bowing grass. All Father Odin had come to bind Loki and I in marriage, and there they were at the end of the aisle. Loki looked so handsome in his black suit and the setting sun shone from behind him. The sky was a stunning purple/red, and grey clouds were blowing in. Loki smiled softly, his eyes were kind and loving. All our friends took their seats and waited. Since my father was dead, Thor walked me down the aisle. I hoped he could find a love like this with Jane. He walked me down the aisle, the grass coming up to my waist. With each step, my bare feet connected with the earth. I felt grounded and strong. Before I knew it, I was facing Loki. He took my hands in his. I was too focused on him, and I was thrust back into reality when he said softly "I do." I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. Love is an infinite thing when you find it with the right person. It was my turn. "I do." I said. Loki put his hands on my hips and pulled me in. He kissed me, and in that moment I knew our love was infinite. Cheers erupted from everyone, and we pulled away. We smiled at each other, his eyes alone telling me "I love you" a thousand times over. He gently wiped my tears away and caressed my face. "Lovingly yours." He said as he rested his forehead on mine. If I leave you with one message, it's that fairytales do exist.

*That's the end! I've loved this story so much, and it was hard writing this last chapter. I'm so thankful for all of you getting through this with me. I hope you've enjoyed as much as I have*

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