chapter 3

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",God damn it!! This is all bullshit!!," White enchantress threw her books ",Mother I think you're doing it the opposite... actually the wrong thing," Red velvet said while picking up the books, he sigh and White enchantress was frustrated ",then what? All of this is failing! I can't even do shit to get Pure Vanilla get his memories back, the fucking ancients get crazy for sake, the people from every kingdom got insane because of the souljams that got affected... how the fuck am I doing wrong?," White enchantress said ",Mother, I know you been trying to help out your dear friend... but it's quite weird that... you're helping," red velvet said serving some tea ",I know... but attack them for a second revenge on this situation is not the perfect time you know... and I was so wrong for believing a fucking maid for sake and started a war," White enchantress said ",what I mean of wrong, we could find Espresso, I heard he made a machine for souljam... that machine can help," red velvet said, White enchantress opened even more her eyes ",shit! You're right," white enchantress said ",get ready... and contact your friend, we're going to the Dark Kingdom... even to visit a certainly friend," White enchantress said.

White enchantress managed to dress like if she was another person, red velvet too with the help of Licorice who was with them.

",it's been a while Licorice," Red velvet said ",yeah, how's your daughter?," Licorice asked while walking with Red velvet and White enchantress ",oh, she's doing amazing with her sign language she was taught," Red velvet said, people in there were arguing and some poor kids were freezing in the snow, and a lot of smoke ",this is awful then what I expect... ," White enchantress said ",I know... ever since the King.. lost his lover, the things here got chaotic... and Dark Choco as well," Licorice said ",Dark Choco?," Red velvet was surprised ",yeah, we had a argument 2 days ago and it didn't end well... he did hit me, but he regret it eventually... and since then we haven't talk because he think he's now like his father even more now," Licorice said, opening the door from his place and Dark Choco too.

Both red velvet and White enchantress sat down and have some tea while Licorice was writing in papers part of his duties, Red velvet looked around in the room and he was impressed ",nice royal taste I guess," red velvet said ",I know, it had to be like this... anyways, I called Espresso for you two, he was visiting Affogato in prison, or that's what I got inform he does every day once a week," Licorice said ",once a week?," white enchantress said ",yeah- Affogato is actually Espresso Father," White enchantress choked on the tea and started coughing, Red velvet was in shock too ",no wonder he kinda looked like him," Red velvet said ",fuck- first this whole shit, now Affogato out of nowhere has a son, and Pure Vanilla is pregnant by who knows a miracle," White enchantress said ",not only that, they copied your idea of certainly potion," Licorice said ",wait- what potion-....,"

Flashbacks before everything.

Mean while on a secret girl bosses reunion before Dark Cacao fucked up the date by his nervous.

",I swear to go if this fucking asshole fuck this up, I will cut his mother fucking hair for sake," Golden Cheese said while planning about the decorations ",watch your mouth Cheese," Hollyberry said while checking the wine ",whatever, hey White lily or lily, are you almost done with the flowers?," Golden Cheese asked ",yeah.. I think after this something else will happen," White lily said, Golden cheese pat her back ",we all feeling it- and that's Cao's stuff," Hollyberry said.

Both finished and out of nowhere ",imagine if.. I don't know, after this they both date each other? I mean- it has to happen.. but knowing Vanilla he might probably think this a business dinner," White lily said ",ahhh shit. Well- let's just watch, they will get married," Golden cheese said ",yeah, probably both on a good marriage, a perfect couple," Hollyberry said ",and, they might have kids?," White lily said, and she immediately blushed embarrassed, Hollyberry and Golden cheese started laughing ",KIDS? HOW?," Golden cheese laughed more ",probably they might adopt, or just... I don't know- created a potion to fertility on having kids but not only female?," White lily said without think ",pfff- then when it happen, I will pay you 30 million diamonds if exist, but nice one lily," Hollyberry said, White lily just ignored that and giggle a bit.

Behind scenes before the date-

End of flashbacks

",shit- don't remind me, I made a fool of myself there when I fix a date for Pure Vanilla with Hollyberry and Golden Cheese... now that I remember, Hollyberry owns me money for the bet," White enchantress said. A knocked was heard and Licorice stood up and walked straight to the door and open it ",hello expresso! I'm happy you accept the invitation," Licorice said ",yeah, I apologize for taking long, I had to take care of my children while my husband was on his way home," expresso said ",have a sit," Licorice said closing the door and locked it.

Espresso was stunned, he got pale when he saw Dark enchantress and Red velvet, Espresso was about to attacked when Licorice stop him ",I say, have a sit," Licorice said, Espresso was confused and sat down ",what are you doing?! Don't you know what is happening right now and you have this 2 criminals here?! Are you out of your mind!?," Espresso said ",I know you're in kinda alarm and especially the situation but they need your help, I know in the past we all got bad, and I understand that. But please listen," Licorice said.

Espresso had some tea to calm down ",I don't want to harm no one, and what I did was wrong and I am 100% aware for what I did... but we really need your help.. you have an option, you neither listen and help me.. or you can stand there while doing nothing about this whole situation," White enchantress said, Espresso was not convinced of this whole situation ",why would I believe whatever reason you have for me to help and dirty lady like you," Espresso said in a cold way and expression ",hey, respect my mother!," red velvet said furiously ",calm down Son. He needs to know the truth," White enchantress said.

",I need your help on recreating the machine you did to make a souljam, and don't say you don't know anything about... I have few past connections even in main places you don't know... but I need you at least help me save Pure Vanilla... I beg you, please help me get Pure Vanilla souljam good and new.. I know I did whole destruction and you may not believe me what I'm saying, but without Pure Vanilla souljam.m I'm afraid that not only him, but all ancients will go crazy even more of this situation, of Golden Cheese mistreating cruelty her people, Hollyberry kingdom making everyone in hunger and making everything expensive, and Dark Cacao abusing everyone on his kingdom and making them dying... and not to Say the Sweet Vanilla kingdom... but please, this is your decision too- without Pure Vanilla or the souljams restored at least, just like what Happen to Dark Cacao and his ghostly whatever stuff happen with his souljam, Pure vanilla will be worse than anyone... not even the ancients or me.. we won't be available to defeat him or save him.. but not only that.. but only way would be killing him," White enchantress said, Espresso was quiet looking down.

Few minutes pass ",how would I know that you have Pure Vanilla and trust my machine for you," Espresso said, White enchantress used a spell that allowed her see through the whole house, and finally located Pure Vanilla exhausted, sitting on bed with kind of long hair and marks on his arm with now to appear with one red eye.. which was even new to White enchantress, Espresso sighs and stood up ",fine. If it is to restored the ancients, I will do it... I will report you 3 if it is a lie even if it means my head would be chop off for helping," espresso said ",I appreciate this," White enchantress said.

After, Espresso guide White enchantress and Red velvet to his secret base he had, White enchantress smiled dissappear when she saw pieces and smoked ",I was working too of what is going on, And I guess my suspect was true... the machine is not ready yet, It needs few adjustments to try and make a souljam... but since you guys want to fix a broken soul, I'll have to change the machine mode to a new one that will indeed help to fix the souljam of Pure Vanilla," espresso said ",and a lot of materials... I'll help," Red velvet said, White enchantress got closer and saw few electrical damage ",and magic too... I will help too," White enchantress said ",okay.. then I think is better if we start right now, if we want to stopped this nonsense," espresso said, White lily had to tell the guards to take care of Pure Vanilla and her Grandchild too, plus she needed to be exact moments when Pure vanilla babies are about to come out.

Or probably she won't be there......who knows..

Here's the third chapter!

Enjoy it!

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