chapter 4

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After the incidents and separation, A young prince under his two uncles care, he was waiting quietly. Papers all over the floor, toys saved in their places, crayons all broken and a lot of sketching on those papers and writing, as well all in drawings of ocean.

",...," Mango heard a knock on his door ",can I come in?," royal berry said ",sure uncle," Mango said, Royal berry was carrying few snacks and juice, he smiled at Mango and place the snacks in his tiny table he had ",when.. when is granny Golden Cheese coming for me?," Mango asked ", I don't think so little one, but you are more safe here... just wait until all of this is over," Royalberry said, Mango didn't even bother this time say anything and just went straight up to his bed silently, Royalberry was upset too about his nephew health and situation... but not only that, but as well his daughter and his mother, he had clear something else had happened, and no wonder why his wife refused to talk to the former Queen like she used to.

Royalberry walked away from the room, he decided to see his daughter in her room to check on her, when Tiger lily was walking out of her room confused ",uh? Oh! My other beautiful daughter! How have you been?," Royalberry said, Tiger lily didn't respond for a moment ",I'm doing decent? I don't get this politely stuff like you said," Tiger lily said tying hair up, she sighs ",I don't think is a good moment to see the pink one your Majesty, she barely talk to me and suddenly she just kicked me out, her and her moods of royalty.. no offense your Majesty," Tiger lily said ",there's no offense on that- plus, you can call me Dad or Father," Royalberry said, Tiger lily didn't respond, she just nodded slowly and started walking away to her knight duties.

Royalberry didn't know what to do now, he didn't have a closer relationship with his now found daughter, her other daughter didn't want to get out of her room ever since the incident happened and the second coronation, and his nephew of his Dear Fiend that passed away... he didn't want to much eat or anything to other people or him... the only thing he could do is neither talk to his wife, or Dark Choco.

Jungleberry was in the garden having some tea, Royalberry walked in, and he sat down with her in the table ",darling, I'm sorry I'm bothering you suddenly, but I need help from you," Royalberry said, jungleberry left her cup of tea besides her, and glance at Royalberry ",I know what you are about to say, I tried to talk to our daughter, and your nephew, but it sadly doesn't worked, even if I already tried on playing or listening to them, it wouldn't worked anyways dear," jungleberry said ",then what about-," Royalberry was interrupted by his wife ",is better if you call Dark Choco, at least to talk to him, I'll try again with our daughter," jungleberry said smiling at Royalberry ",you are right... I love you so much darling," Royalberry said kissing his wife in her cheek ",oh come on, you know I don't regret marrying you for nothing," Jungleberry said ",yeah... I'll get in contact with Dark Choco right now... but I need to go to the cold kingdom I guess," Royalberry said ",I'll cover your royal duties, just this once... I need to as well get know better our other daughter," jungleberry said ",tiger lily.. perhaps you'll do well darling, thank you so much," Royalberry said now walking away.

Royalberry knew about everything, his own mother was actually taken on a better place to stay for now, he didn't know what to do ",oh Father, I wish you didn't have die so long... I have no Idea what happened to me or my Mother," Royalberry said, he was on his way to get Dark Choco, he was the only friend he could count on, and even more since the King of Sweet Vanilla is gone, and now a lot of rumors and scandals of the missing king being the Devils child... he could even imagine what his other kid is been through with all responsibilities to take on... hopefully he survives all the stress and get used to it... being a royal in Sweet Vanilla kingdom is a very suffocating job to do... and you can tell the results by Pure Vanilla now.

Here you guys go! Take care for next chapter

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