finally awake🍃🔥🌼

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Vanilla bolted awake gasping for air... Strong pain... He felt like he was being torn apart, everything was spinning... The colors didn't seem normal.. he got off the bed just to fall to his knees, asking for help with a quiet raspy voice.....

A few moments after White Enchantress ran into the room shouting his name, its like his hearing blurred out..

She ran to him, healing him up slightly..

I gasped and sat up holding my head
"... What? Where am I? Who... Are you??.."
Lily looked at me in sheer shock.. I did not remember her...

",vanilla... are you okay...? Please tell me it was a sort of joke for what I did," White enchantress glance at me in a terrified way ",I don't think so...who are you?," I said scared and confused ",damn it... FUCK- I'm sorry, it's just... how are you feeling? It doesn't matter right now who I am," White enchantress gently touched my hand ", it does matter... how am I going to know if I can at least know you won't kill me or something," I was afraid of whatever thing was going to happen ",if you feel like it... then fine. I'm White enchantress... I'm or was your best friend, we knew each other since childhood.. and rarely we still for now.. or that's what I would like to say..," White enchantress said.

I feel so bad... I don't remember anything, not her or anything ",can I ask what happened to me...? I feel horrible... I feel a lot of pain and for some reason my stomach feels weird, like a sort of movement," I squeeze her hand I didn't even know what I did or someone did to me ",you won't forgive me much when I tell you what happened... but.. you were about to be crown as king once again to your kingdom... I actually made a scene... and you got hurt, I swear that I was doing it to protect you.. and your baby.. as well.. your abusive Husband," White enchantress said, a husband... baby?.... I was a... king...?

",where's the baby then?," I asked ",well... he hasn't been born yet... you still have it in your insides, you need to wait at least 4 more months... for now, it is better to rest, unless you want to lose your kid," white enchantress replied... me, a baby inside? God... is too much for me to take ",I guess you're right.. thank you White enchantress," I said smiling slightly ",call me lily dear... I'll check on you later, just don't move, you're not stable enough to move, it'll be painful if you do," I nodded slowly, and she left.

White enchantress POV.

As I walk off Vanilla chambers, I immediately got to my meeting room where my son was and my dear granddaughter ",Mother... the monster and equipment is ready, as well arms and supplies like you said," I sigh and sit on the couch where my dear flower was ",she's so cute when she sleeps... reminds me of you when I used to sing for you," I smiled at my Son, he blushed embarrassed while other commanders I had in the room were laughing quietly ",yeah, the cute red velvet... So what is your reason to call us your Majesty? Or should I say Dark enchantress?," one of my commanders said ",I go by both, Your Majesty or White enchantress, I called everyone because there's a war coming up... the ancients were badly cursed... and I'm afraid besides Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese, Hollyberry shall be next," I said taking out the map of my whole kingdom and my investigation papers, documents.

I knew everything by now.. except the person cursing us ",the ancients? What do they have to do with us, your Majesty?? They're our enemies! Especially that graceful, 'holy' blind king of the Sweet Vanilla kingdom," my chief said, I threw my porcelain cup breaking it, as well the flowers behind me burned on fire ",WATCH YOUR TONE CHIEF!!!," I said furiously ",My apologies to your Majesty.. ," I looked at Red velvet my dear soon and he nodded back ",Everyone paid attention... we have traces of connections to these incidents... The first one is connected to the day where I was placed on the crystal... it seems like this person knew what pure vanilla was about to do that spell... she was in that war... in fact... even when I got out, somehow she knew if we find her... she couldn't have any option to give herself up... but since no one knew about how serious it was, and just blamed it on the spell, she probably took the right time, and cursed Dark Cacao as well, but she wasn't careful at all, I did find some things, and it makes sense.. now that she caught Golden cheese....I'm afraid that the next one should be... Hollyberry," I sigh while looking at the documents and theories about this situation..

",but how exactly mother," Red velvet said ",I don't know but looking at this situation.. probably a hair, or even blood can be place on the ritual to cursed the person," I was thinking of a few other things of how ",Now we need to focus on our defense, so I hope I can count on you all... no- you all should, if you don't want to end up like those broken and dead people don't you?," I was still pissed from what my chief said'', ''yes your Majesty."

I finished the meeting, and it seems like I've been there for 5 hours, God... planning about war takes a lot, but I'm doing it for my only friend and like brother... at least is the only thing I can do after everything he done to me, or I make him suffer in the past because I was a fool.

I walked through the hallway, and got into Pure Vanilla's current chambers, I knocked before getting in, if he's asleep I don't want to wake him up ",Lily..??," Pure Vanilla said ",greetings vanilla... how was your rest again, did you eat?," I asked sitting next to him on the couch, I guess he already cleaned himself and got in new clothes. I left him to feel comfortable ",well.. I don't know.. I've been craving for lemonade.. and something sweet," he said, '' I sigh and smile ",oh god, it makes sense to me, it must be tiring carrying a child," I said laughing a bit ", yeah.. it's weird feeling those movements... I seriously want to commit violence acts out of nowhere... was I like this?," I was surprised a bit but I knew why ",we can take it on your husband or next to be ex husband for what he did to you," I smiled ",yeah probably even though I don't remember, but I feel my body is screaming and get angry when he's mentioned," I laughed even more ",yup! We savage Vanilla.. well- let's get you that cravings," I said, helping Pure vanilla to walk, it wasn't necessary since he can detect and feel nice hearing, but since he's injured plus the child, it is better to be careful in case he falls.

Credits to my helper myuroo

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