chapter 6 🔴🌼Words🌼🔴

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Short story

Pure vanilla was reading through his hands while humming a song in a chair with a blanket on his legs. He was still humming the same song that Ms. Sweet sugar used to sing for him when he was having a hard time, or going to sleep even though he couldn't remember or that's what he thought since her face was very blurry on what a littlehe had known, he gently started to caressing his belly, he enjoyed having that feeling on his hands of something moving inside his belly, even if he didn't remember but at least have a little knowledge on who he was before, it was enough for him.

Pure vanilla close the book and stood up from his chair to place back the book when he suddenly felt a kicked on his belly a bit hard ",oww- what happened dear? Do you wanted me to continue humming the lullaby?," Pure vanilla said passing his hand on his belly, his back hurt him a lot, even if he was supporting it with his other hand in the back, it still hurt, he'll be close to gave birth soon, he assumed it was going to be in a few hours or so.

Pure Vanilla didn't know what to do, White enchantress was now on trips while he was in a room all by himself with no one else to talk to besides his cute little baby who was inside his belly, Pure Vanilla sense someone near about to open his door ",Lily..? Is that you?," Pure Vanilla asked ",oh- no uncle Vanilla, it's just me red velvet," Red velvet replied ",oh- hi dear, how may I help you out?," Pure vanilla said more relax now ",My mother send me to check on you on how you were doing," Red velvet said placing a cup of tea in the night stand close to Pure Vanilla ",thank you," Pure vanilla said as soon he smelled the tea scent ",you're welcome... uncle- I have something I want to talk with you...? It's that okay? I mean- i even call you uncle even though you don't remember but-...," Red velvet sighs and place his left hand on behind his neck uncomfortable ",never mind- I'll just leave," Red velvet but Pure Vanilla stopped him ",no- Even though I can't remember much, I still can help you on whatever needs you need to vent- just sit somewhere and we'll see."

Few minutes later of vent

Red velvet was laying on Pure vanilla legs a bit down since he didn't want to harm his belly by his head ",I just can't understand her at all... we were fine, until that stupid narcissist of suppose to be the holy nun find out she was pregnant special with a dark cookie! She made her that way- and I can't keep up lying to my daughter about her mother being the most important in duties when she's just being controlled just like puppet around when she need her- I've been a single dad for this past 6 years ever since out daughter was born- and all of this is been pretty hard not only for me to send her away on study- but also herself, I don't want her feel bad about herself or in her mother's shadows..," Red velvet said ",oh dear... you're right- you can't understand her at all since she hasn't tell you about her reason because you prefer to intervene, but you're doing everything you can for your daughter, I know it must be hard my dear, Being a only parent raising a child by your own- and I feel you because... I guess that's what I'm going to be soon, but keep this on mind- is your daughter amazing and talented?," Pure vanilla said gently passing his hands in red velvet hair to calm him down ",yes she is... she has a lot of potential," Red velvet replied ",well then she doesn't need her mother then, Sweet you're a amazing father doing everything you can for your daughter sake, you give her love, support and everything so far and she had all those things because of you- you might be right... you can't understand her mother, but you can with your daughter, after all you are the only person that support her so far, and if she feels like you're worry about- give her time, she will be opening to you to tell you her issues when the time comes- is very important as well giving her trust, if she's talented, she is. The mother is just missing how amazing you have raised her as her wonderful father, you got to continue until the end- she might regret but is up to your daughter see if she wants her in her life too, but now you're doing a great job dear," Pure Vanilla smiled and red velvet started sobbing, he proceeded to sit and hug not too tight Pure Vanilla ",Thank you so much uncle," Red velvet said.

Red velvet stood up and he was about to leave with again with the tea ",I'll get you this heat up again- all of this made it cold for too long," Red velvet said ",sure! We can still discuss few things when you return," Pure vanilla said smiling, Red velvet left and so Pure vanilla went to the bathroom, he slowly opened his eyes a bit, he could see if he wanted to just when his staff is connected to him by magic, but he didn't feel the connection nor his gem, he sighs and wash his face.

Pure Vanilla was drying his hand when he suddenly felt a terrible pain stroke on his belly ",AH!," He cried putting one of his hand on his belly and the other on the washbasin, the pain was increasing, Pure vanilla knee down with much terrible pain, even a water glass he had there of water spill in his clothes on his leg ",AHH," he tried to calm down, Red velvet enters inside but with his mother talking until they hear Pure vanilla scream ",UNCLE," red velvet throw the tea (rip tea-chan) and went straight running with White enchantress the bathroom ",HOLY SHIT- HIS WATER BROKE," Red velvet went to help Pure Vanilla, White enchantress got pale ",Shit shit! DOCTOR, I NEED A DOCTOR," White enchantress went out of the room and shout ",No! Aught! Uff... my water didn't broke! Is just a pain- AH!," Pure vanilla said, Red velvet got Pure vanilla to lay down, and so the doctors came and took care of the rest.

Few hours later

White enchantress was outside with red velvet ",Mom calm down," Red velvet said ",CALM DOWN? HE CAN JUST DIE GIVING BIRTH, OR JUST- JUST SOMETHING WORSE,"White enchantress said worried, red velvet hugged his mother, however a doctor got out of the room and so did the staff ",How is he?!," White enchantress said ",he's fine, the body accept the medicine... I'm so sorry to say this but there's a chance that not only the baby may come out sooner than expected- but as well a risk of birth he might be, is a 50/50 chance Queen, unless he is treated at least to get 60 percent a bit more of surviving birth," The doctor said, White lily sighs ",shit- we need to put that Gem back on him... before any tragedy pass.. ," White enchantress said.

Hello guys! This is the author! I know I have been very absent this months probably 1 or 2 while you guys are waiting, but not much now anymore, There was a few issues and about how the story should continue between happy or sad end, depending on how this goes, thank you all for your support and wait! Here's your chapter and very soon more probably this week or next or Saturday to Sunday! Without anything else, love you all! ^^

-author Haru

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