chapter 7 🖤Suspect 🖤

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Since the death of Pure Vanilla the Dark Cacao king has grown emotional, weak... That would greatly harm his people, that is, if he kept being that way, thinking about his past beloved.
It was not easy dealing with such emotions and heartbreak, but he was corrupted, under a curse.
So he usually would have forgotten so easily, nothing can drive a cursed king to emotions.. but for some reason, not this time.
The curse was barely holding on, it was not fully blinding him no more, yet he still couldn't break out, couldn't shatter the curse.

He was a wreck, an absolute wreck. Perhaps, these emotions would have given the people hope for the better, since the king is not as ignorant as before.
No matter how hard it was, he had to get up and continue ruling his kingdom the same as ever.
He decided to take a lukewarm shower, to wake up physically and emotionally, to feel better.
Getting the towels he finally went to his private bathroom. 
He was hit with memories, how the king of light, his beloved, used to brush his teeth here with him, how they giggled together, joked around.
It wasn't a pleasant feeling, he was missing the man dearly.
During his shower the king couldn't help but put his guard down and cry, even if only slightly.

It was cold outside, wind picking up.
The Dark Cacao kingdom was always cold, same with its current and previous rulers, cold, strict, but great rulers.
However, not great at emotions, or being human in general.
The kingdom has gained its reputation that way, a powerful, mighty, cold kingdom and people.
The king was finally finished with his shower, and of course had to do paperwork before doing anything else, he couldn't possibly delay it anymore. It would have gotten him more problems that he would like as of now.
He had his breakfast, and began the paperwork.

A couple hours later he was sitting in full royal attire, finishing up his paperwork, signing documents.
He felt unable to work today, as he was completely unmotivated and shattered by recent events.
He impulsively decided to take a stroll around his kingdom, to get his mind off the Vanilla king.
Getting up he left his office, his heels clicking on the floor echoing through the hall.
The sound was terrifying to most of the workers at the kingdom, associated with incoming danger.
The king was walking through the sombre halls of his kingdom, his posture perfectly straight, looking just as terrifying as ever.
Seeing the approaching king the guards opened up the doors in a hurry, unable to handle a shouting at the moment.
The king walked out of the horrifying castle, walking with a relaxed, slow pace.
Glancing at people around him he saw terrified stares all around, looking right at him.
As he got to the centre of his kingdom, it was as crowded as ever, however the people made way for the king as they realised his presence.
He made his way to a flower shop, as he saw gorgeous yellow flowers on the outside, which smelled wonderfully from far away.
As he was smelling them closely he saw a group of people, Espresso being one of them. He was carrying a suspicious book, the title read "Magic and souls".
The people walking with him were completely anonymous, their heads and faces covered by hoods, and their bodies by dark capes.
He watched them, trying to realise what they were up to.

One of the suspicious people had wind blow up their sleeve, making it reveal their hand, before they jerked the sleeve down he could see the marking on their hand, a white lily flower.. a marking he could never forget, he didn't know if he was seeing things or if it was real but it certainly made him alert.
Fortunately he saw Caramel Arrow walking by on patrol, he called out to her, telling her to follow the group.
By that time it was already starting to get dark and cold.
She would be returning by midnight.
Caramel Arrow wasn't sure if he was sane enough to give orders, but she bowed low and obeyed.

Following the group in secret she was led in one of the housing areas of the kingdom, to a small house, smelling of coffee.
The curtains were quickly shut, but not completely.
Managing to find a hole she went to look in it, seeing the cookies of darkness, including Madeleine and of course Espresso.
"Have you found a way to restore the souljam yet, Espresso?" White enchantress asked, coldly yet with respect.
"Pure Vanilla is exposed to any sorts of illnesses or magic as of now, he could die if we don't get him the damn souljam in time."
She sighed heavily.

"Mistress, I have not found a way to artificially create a souljam, however there's a way to restore it naturally."
"He'll have to do it himself, that's the issue."
He paused, sighing.
"He needs all of the support you can give him at the moment, he is incredibly vulnerable, and can be in absolute danger not having somebody around, not only him, but his children too."

Caramel Arrow gasped at the information she just took in, the king was alive, however, unwell.
She didn't know how she'd tell this to the king, but a part of her was telling her to disobey, to lie to the king.
No matter what oath she made, it had to be broken for the sake of the king, and his lover.
She returned to the castle putting up an act, the king immediately asked her what she found out.
"They were just visitors of Pure vani- I mean, the Vanilla kingdom, they are not of danger to the kingdom and its people."

To be continued
Credits to my co-writer myuroo

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