2. Ice

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⚠️ READ AT OWN RISK: violence, threats of death, bruises, choking, weapons⚠️

Dahlia gasps out as her back hits the glass window of the elevator. Irie walks up towards her just as they stop on the highest floor. Dahlia comes to her senses, pressing herself up against the wall, trying to get as far away as possible from her suddenly very violent friend.

She can't remember how it got like this. One moment she was saying how good it is to see the taller, and the next Irie is pushing her against the wall of the elevator without remorse. It felt way too easy for her too. Irie pushed her quick and hard, as if she weighed nothing, and Dahlia felt almost disconnected from her body at how quick it happened. She opens her mouth to shout at her best friend for hurting her, eyes wide and filled with fear, but she is too scared to utter a single word. The black-haired girl easily grabs her by the collar of her white uniform shirt, pulling her up from the floor as the doors of the elevator automatically open. Dahlia's hands begin to claw at her grip out of instinct, but to her horror Irie doesn't seem to budge no matter how much force she uses. The package that was previously held firmly in her hands falls to the floor, forgotten by the both of them.

"Honestly, I really don't know what you were expecting"

Dahlia yelps as she is dragged out of the elevator, the taller's hand firmly around the collar of her shirt. Irie's voice is strangely calm despite the brute force she is using, and Dahlia finds that incredibly unsettling. She stumbles over her feet as her former best friend drags her further into the new room, eventually letting go of her collar and throwing her to the floor. A new kind of shooting hot pain erupts from her left thigh and upper arm, and Dahlia hisses. Tears form in her eyes, and it stings. But she doesn't have the time to feel pain. Her survival instincts kick in fully as she realizes that Irie is strong and willing to hurt her for real. So, she scrambles to turn around as she lays on the floor, meeting the dead cold eyes of the black-haired girl as she calmly walks up to her. Dahlia backs away in fear as quickly as possible, trying to get up but slipping and falling back down.

"You walk into my home, unarmed, and completely expose your identity"

Dahlia can't stop herself from crying, the tears that were building up in her eyes falling down one by one. She just doesn't understand what they are talking about. How has she exposed herself? She has never hidden her identity before, despite how tempting it has sometimes been when facing the various loan sharks that come knocking on her door. Dahlia finally manages to get up from the floor, and her feet start moving on their own. Without knowing where she is going, she begins to run. Irie doesn't try to stop her, nor does the expression in her eyes change. That chilling, angry calm that now exists within her best friend is terrifying. Dahlia doesn't dare to look behind her as she continues to run, going through automatic glass sliding doors that lead from the fancy entrance hall to the next room.

This must be some kind of penthouse. Dahlia looks around herself as she runs, trying to find a way out. Like a staircase or another elevator. Maybe the people on the next floor will protect her? More tears run down her face as she hears Irie's calm footsteps behind her. She doesn't want to die in a penthouse! This place is fancier than anything Dahlia has ever seen before. There is a huge black sofa in the middle, a bar to the left and more fine furniture further into the apartment. Dahlia manages to run past the large leather couch before she feels a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to stop.

"Have you suddenly decided that you want to die?"

Irie easily turns her around, Dahlia stilling in fear. She grabs her jaw in an iron grip, leaning down to stare into her eyes with an intensity similar to the girl who backed her up against the wall. Dahlia's breaths are quick and rushed, her heartbeat is up in her throat, her ears are ringing with panic and her eyes are wide with fear.

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