47. Footsteps

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⚠️ mentions of murder, mentions of death, kidnapping, restraints ⚠️

"Well look who finally decided to show his ugly face"

Enya can't help that her voice holds a nasty tone. She's just so incredibly tired of pleasing these upper management, top secret officials that could much rather rot in hell. This 'boss' figure is one that she especially despises, to the point where he is the second man on her little list. First, Halston, because traitors like him should get priority. Second, 'boss', because sadistic management figures who do all the dirty work pretending it's just their duty, deserve death in Enya's eyes. 'Boss' is the man who's words echo in the solitary confinement hall. His voice holds a chill tone of amusement, and he walks calmly through the darkness, approaching them carefully like a predator to its prey.

"It's funny"

Enya says, not the least happy. "I thought they'd actually send someone a bit higher up this time".

Despite the resounding tenseness in the big room, Enya can still hear Veton snicker loudly at her little jab towards 'boss', and that's how she knows that the electricity Powered is awake now too. The only one she can't be sure of is Spirit. Enya keeps a stone cold mask over her face, despite knowing that they are all in grave potential danger. When 'boss' finally reaches her, Enya can barely even see his face. Other than a small light coming from somewhere towards the door, it is so dark that he can move around freely without being seen. His voice, however, is crystal clear.

"You're in no position to make any kind of snark today, Enya"

He sounds so triumphant that Enya actually gets suspicious. There are good cards in his hands, she can see that now, and it won't be easy to fight whatever he is about to throw at them, or at her. But what it is, she doesn't know. And the only way to know is to ask. "Is that right? Has the company finally decided on our fate, then, boss?".

Enya would like to imagine that I'd be nice to have a clear fate set out in front of her. But she also wants revenge. So, if they're planning to kill them all, she'd want a fair fight beforehand. Of course, the company would never allow that. Enya needs to find a way to force them into it. If death is something that they're adamant about, then death they shall receive. Just after she has gotten to kill Halston. And boss. And maybe a few soldiers and upper management officials as well. Especially whoever decided to drop that bomb on their house. Whoever decided to kill Dahlia. She wants to kill those people and perhaps a few more as a cherry on top.

Only then can she face Dahlia in the afterlife.

Boss continues with the same triumphant, happy tone in his voice. It is clear that he is enjoying this. Finally having the upper hand, and not needing to play nice or cooperate with the Powered. This must be his lucky day. Enya would be feeling the same if she had him tied up in a chair, with the right orders.

"They're deciding on that right now, actually. Your deaths can't just be quick and rushed, you know? Powered are valuable assets to the government and frankly, you have no idea how much money has gone into the seven of you. But then again, if you're not willing to cooperate anymore..."

Enya rolls her eyes. She wants to answer, but Alda cuts her to it.

"Drop the games already. You sound like a child. If you wanted us to cooperate with you, you could have done so much more from the beginning"

Nodding her head in agreement, Enya is happy that the other Powered feel the same way as she does. They won't cooperate with the company, they just won't. Not even if their own lives are at stake. If Dahlia would've been alive, maybe things would've been different. But now she's dead and they have all lost their freedom, not to mention that Halston has left them and of course, Tan is dead too. There is nothing else left to live for except of either hiding or suffering for the rest of their lives, and Enya knows each and every one of them prefer death to that kind of fate. Enya looks up at where she is halfway certain that 'boss' is standing. "And you could've brought Halston in. I'd rather speak to him than to your old ass".

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