35. Halfway mark

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Enya would smile from eye to eye right now, if she wasn't being watched by the group of guards surrounding her.

Honestly, she doesn't know what to think. They are either A, dumb, or B, naive. She twists her wrist in the palm of her hand, trying to reduce the redness now blooming on her skin. The ropes have cut deep enough for the skin to break and bleed, angry red marks all around. Enya brings her left wrist up to her mouth and licks at the blood, this time not being able to help the smile on her face. She hopes it freaks out the guards, even if it's a little. They must think of her as a monster, transporting her in and out of solitary like this, and if that's what they already think of her, Enya wants to play the role set out for her.

They're dumb for letting her out, especially in a time like this. And they're naive to think she'll actually continue to follow orders after everything that has happened. But she has to give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they just aren't observant. Perhaps the management somehow doesn't know how rebellious they have all become.

"Alda will take care of your shift. You'll stay in your room until tomorrow"

Enya wants to laugh. What, is she being grounded? Put on house arrest? She's 23. God these people really believe that they own them, don't they? Treating them like animals- or kids- has been the facility's problem from the get go. They open the doors of the solitary and lead her towards the elevator, Enya being held by two guards and followed by a dozen more. The lights on this floor are dim, Enya understands that it's already nighttime. She was stuck in there for eight whole hours. Fuck these people. She tugs at their hold, just to be an asshole.

The elevator is crammed with so many people, their guns uselessly pointing at her. They should know that if she was using her powers they wouldn't stand a chance. Enya rolls her eyes and stands still, watching the screen on the elevator show a higher number with every second that passes. She can't wait to get to the penthouse. Maybe the man she calls 'boss' was lying. Maybe it was just a tactic to scare her, and Dahlia and Irie are just waiting for her to come back from solitary. Enya pokes her tongue against her cheek. This is all she hopes for.

The elevator dings open. Enya breathes in deeply, anticipating what she will see on the other side. The doors glide open slowly and they walk out, approaching the glass doors of the penthouse. Enya feels like a criminal being led by her arms like this, but she keeps her head high, wanting to know who is waiting for her at the penthouse. Hopefully Dahlia. Please let it be Dahlia. She can't be on the twenty second floor, not anymore. The guards push open the glass doors and they walk inside, Enya immediately breathing in the comforting scent of what has been her home for five years now.

Passing by the entrance, they round the corner into the large living room. Irie sits in the living room, surrounded by nothing but empty darkness. Enya feels her heart drop to her stomach. Sure, there's still a chance Dahlia is sleeping in Irie's room, but Enya knows her hopes are crushed the moment she takes a good look at Irie's face. There is no relief, no happiness. Enya feels anger building up inside of her, as they walk across the living room. She can't take her eyes off the ice powered, perhaps speaking her desperation to the black-haired girl through her eyes. How will they get past this? But Irie doesn't look nearly as desperate as she does.

"Keep walking"

The guards urge her to go faster but Enya's eyes are suddenly stuck on Irie, widening for a split moment. Tapping her finger against the top of her wrist, Irie gives her a knowing look. Enya breathes in sharply, and turns her head around, suddenly much calmer. She walks along with the guards without causing a fight. They seem a little suspicious, glancing at each other, glancing at Irie, but all they can see is the creepy ice powered sitting in the darkness, staring daggers into their souls. So the armed guards simply walk Enya all the way to her room, the fire girl following with a thousand thoughts running through her mind.

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