26. Green Telekinesis

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⚠️ mentions of death, blood, bruises ⚠️

Enya knows that she shouldn't be doing this.

Maybe for the first time ever, she knows that she shouldn't be doing this. Never before has she cared about it, but now it's really starting to push it. This is extreme, what she is doing. This is not normal. Sneaking around looking for answers in the vault is one thing, being suspicious of everyone and everything is also something she can get away with, but this? This is on a whole other level.

Or maybe it just feels extreme because the circumstances are so weird. She is covered in blood, sneaking around the penthouse in the dead of the night, her destination being the one room belonging to a dead guy. This is not the best, most sane position she could be in at the moment. Enya doesn't feel nervous often, but when she does her hands feel uncomfortably clammy and her breathing is up in her throat. Uncharacteristic, that's what it is. Uncharacteristic for someone like her, someone who has built their entire personality on confidence and needing to know what happens when.

But that's why she's here, right? Because her personality is needing to know when and what is happening at all times, so that she can be ahead of everyone. So that she can be the confident one. Because by God, Enya will never be that confused seventeen-year-old again, standing in-front of a burning house, finding out that her entire life has been nothing but a lie. No, never again. This time she is going to find out the truth they are hiding from her and everybody else before the main event can catch her so terribly off guard.

Tan's room door is always closed, tightly shut. Nobody has gone in or out of there since the first few days after he died. Not to clean, not to find his things, nothing. Whatever family he has out there in the real world doesn't know that he is dead either, so obviously no family members or friends have been here to take his things that rightfully belong to them. There was no funeral. No memorial. That's it, that's what happens to Powered after they die. They become nothing but a distant memory, and a closed bedroom door. Enya doesn't know whether she should be scared of that or not, but what she does know is that Tan is hiding something. Yes, even in his death.

This all started with him, and so it's going to end with him too. So, even though it's incredibly creepy to tiptoe like this in the middle of the night, Enya has no choice.

She did go to sleep after the code red, laying next to Irie and Dahlia for the first time. But it didn't take long before she woke up, her bruises aching painfully and her head thumping. Enya never sleeps during nights like these, after a code red there is just too much blood, pain and noise in the back of her head for her to get through the night peacefully. That's why it seemed like the perfect opportunity to continue her investigation. All of the Powered will be asleep anyway, and the guards think that she is too. Nobody ever expects something to happen on a night like this one.

Enya puts her hand on the door-handle and pushes it down, trying not to think about it too much. It's a bit uncomfortable, suddenly it just feels so incredibly disrespectful to walk into the room of her deceased friend. But he isn't here anymore, and so it is her duty to continue the path he would've walked otherwise.

"Whatever you found out before you left us, I'll continue your story"

So, with a small intake of air, and a whisper into the dark corridor, Enya takes a step inside.

The first thing that she notices is the heavy layer of dust in the air. Trying not to cough, Enya covers her nose and quickly turns around, closing the door behind her and clicking the light on. It's more risky like this, yes, but Enya won't find anything in the dark. She doesn't want to stumble around his room, it's disrespectful. If she's going to search through the belongings of a dead man, let her at least do it with a bit of dignity and carefulness.

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