45. Under the exploding grave

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⚠️ explosions, mentioned death, mentioned murder, violence ⚠️

"I sent Dahlia inside"

Enya stands next to Irie and tries to look brave.

The feeling of being powerless is something she is extremely unfamiliar with. The horror of it, the helplessness, the weakness and the slow dread that builds up in her stomach. All of it is really bad. Waiting for doom, that is really bad.

A helicopter whirls above their heads, so Irie is forced to scream to be heard at all. Enya thinks about Dahlia being safe in their house and feels just a little better. But then that 'better' is replaced with even more dread, because they have to leave her behind. Enya is hit with the thought so suddenly it feels like a punch to the gut, and if she says she doesn't feel nauseous, she'll be lying to herself.

"Enya, we can still get through this"

Irie's yelling gets louder and the helicopter comes closer. Enya steps closer to the ice powered, her head moving from side to side to assess the situation. The cars they heard earlier race up the muddy road to their house, and Enya clenches her teeth. Honestly, what do they want her to do? Turn around and say it straight to Irie? They're not getting through this. There is nothing they can do except fight, lose and then point fingers.

Pointing fingers especially.

"How did they find us?"

And despite not saying it loudly enough, Irie still glances at Enya with surprise at her grave tone. After having lived with her for so long, Irie can easily tell when Enya has death in her voice. Death, as in when she kills. When she is willing to kill. So, it seems like the ice powered chooses her words with care before speaking, all of them heavily under the pressure of being surrounded by the enemy.

"It should have been impossible, but-"

Irie is forced to cut herself off, as they are suddenly approached by several soldiers, the doors of the cars opening. Stepping backwards, Enya turns to Irie.

"Don't fight-"

They know they can't fight. Their lack of weapons and powers leave them at the soldiers mercy. They'd be fools to fight, injuring themselves, perhaps even killing themselves for no logical reason. There must be another way out of this. Enya is convinced of that, so her tone holds a great importance as she instructs her friends.

"Let them take you but don't you dare give up! We'll escape the moment we can"

Despite sounding confident, she feels rather helpless. The other Powered nod in compliance and look just a little bit less nervous, and a little bit more confident. But Enya isn't. She isn't sure this is going to turn out fine anymore. So, she looks around herself to instead find something that she can actually control- something, or someone to blame for this fiasco. Her life is falling apart and there must be somebody to blame. Her eyes jump from one Powered to the next, all up until the soldiers have run up to her and put a gun against her head.

Enya complies, knowing that there is no point in fighting now, with the hope of perhaps escaping yet another time, later. Because surely, this can't be the end. The soldier ties her wrists together with a painful plastic string, and tightens it a little extra, just to be sure. She knows they fear her the most. The fear practically shines in the soldier's eyes, as he tries to look all strong and confident but comes out as rather scared and insecure, his hands shaking. Enya fights the urge to knock her head against his, fights the urge to attempt to kill him, and instead looks desperately back at Irie.

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