46. The grave sorrow

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⚠️ mentions of murder, mentions of death, starvation, exhaustion, mentions of depression, kidnapping, restraints, bruises, other injuries ⚠️

There is one concept Enya hates, more than anything else in this world.

It seriously irks her. To the point where she could easily kill someone for it. For the longest time in the history of humanity, this thing has been seen as the worst of the worst. When people come together to survive, one crime is like a stick in the wheel for their society as a whole.

Enya could be sensible and not get so emotional. But she doesn't want to be. Sometimes, the anger is too big to look away from.

The worst thing in the world. Betrayal.

Even the word tastes disgusting in her own mouth.

Enya has nowhere to put her anger. She is all alone, as everyone else seems rather out of it as a whole. Their eyes have not opened and their bodies lay still, like cold dead corpses. Enya was like them a few moments ago, until she inevitably opened her eyes, her first thought being one of pure, bloody murder. Now she lay boiling in her own anger, tied to a chair with metal cuffs scraping at her wrists and ankles, around her stomach too. Not to mention the fuzziness in her head, as their stupid infection of power death into her veins has caused her to be quite powerless.

Enya knows somewhere, absentmindedly, that she is feeling a grave sorrow. But it is too big for her to handle, too much for her to bear, so she settles on feeling something that is just so much more familiar to her own brain.


And while sitting there in the big solitary confinement space somewhere in the basement, newly built and impossible to break free from, Enya feels nothing but anger. Dahlia is dead. That statement doesn't feel real, so she doesn't treat it as such. But Dahlia is dead. And somehow that makes her more angry than ever before. It's a helpless anger. But by God Enya doesn't know helplessness. Nothing for her is impossible, not at least in her stupid, overconfident mind. And as long as that anger exists, Enya is going to keep burning in it until she can unleash it on the one man that she wants to kill the most in the whole world.



That's what she wants to say. That's what she wants to call him.

She just doesn't understand. They may not have appeared to be close, but the truth is, all seven of them really were. Five years spent together, day in and day out, never seeing anybody else but each other. They trained together. Ate together. Lived together, in all ways of life. They knew each other better than they knew themselves, knew who each one of them secretly loved and what they all secretly dreamed of. And more often than once they discussed the topic of leaving this place.

'What would your life have looked like if you weren't a Powered?' In the beginning, that was the most common question. And even though it seemed relatively harmless to ask such a thing, it sparked their interest in escaping. Whether they were against the idea or for it, none of them could deny that it was secretly all of their dream to be out of here one day. Out of the facility. Tan didn't want to leave, but not because he didn't want to be out of here. He just didn't believe they would succeed, didn't believe it would be worth it. But they all wanted to leave at the end of the day, and when they finally did...

How could he have been so cruel? So unbelievably cruel?

Every second they have spent together. Did it mean nothing? Halston once reminded her of her brother. Now, that image of him is blurred and wrong. She used to look back at their memories together with happiness, all of their memories. All the Powered training together, learning together, suffering together. Irie never believed that they could be friends, but secretly they were even more than that. Family. Like family. But now... Now those memories are bitter and ugly. Enya doesn't want to think of any of it anymore. Especially of any memories after Tan's death.

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