41. The spiral to hell

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⚠️ PG-13 ⚠️

The seventh week starts with a very confusing thought, seeping into Dahlia's brain and making itself at home.

It's actually Enya who triggers it. Laying on their shared bed, sandwitched between the two possessive Powered and feeling utterly domestic and blissed out. Covered by warm blankets and the warmth of her sleepy skin, enjoying the sounds of the birds chattering outside their little hut. It's dark in their bedroom, aside from the little string of morning light that shines through the doorway, and Dahlia just feels so much overwhelming happiness and luck and peace that she can't help but smile like an idiot.

These past six weeks have been the best six weeks of her life. Now that they are starting their seventh, the fear of being found is slowly fading away and the bliss of living together with people she loves in a place that she loves is softly settling in. She finds happiness in every moment and peace in every other, the nature fills her mind with nothing but silence and calm and the laughter of the Powered is like music to her ears. Dahlia knows that eventually they might start arguing or she might start missing seeing other people, but for now she just wants to enjoy this absolute peacefulness and satisfaction of the moment.

Turns out, it had taken her exactly six weeks to calm down from the five previous years of constant stress and sorrow. The death of her father, the loss of her dream, the loss of Irie and then the terrible debt and terrible work. All of that had created some sort of mental wall that took a whole six weeks to deconstruct. Now that it's all over, Dahlia is slowly falling into a much more normal state of mind. Which includes picking up on things she wasn't picking up on before.

And it all starts with a single move.

Dahlia turns to the side when she feels Enya wake up, and she can't help but smile at how cute the tall and intimidating girl looks with sleep printed all over her features. She reaches out to swipe her black and red hair away fro her face, with something so calm and domestic over her face. That's why she is so terribly caught off guard when Enya catches her wrist, right before she can reach the taller's face, eyes snapping open. Holding her arm in a firm grip, Enya flashes her a very knowing smile before moving to sit up, Dahlia still staring at her with surprise.

"Good morning"

With a twittering voice, Enya doesn't need to use much strength to push Dahlia further into the mattress, pinning her hands next to her head. She moves to lay somewhat on top of the shorter girl, with her eyes sparkling with mischief. Dahlia doesn't know what to think. Especially when it seems like her breath stutters and heart beats a little faster, suddenly reminded of everything she happened to forget during the last two months.

Her very obvious, very pining and very desperate crush that has been growing endlessly on both Enya and Irie.

She had honestly forgotten all about it. Too busy enjoying her first ever free time and freedom in the last five or six years, too busy being happy about their situation to even remember the real reason behind why she is here in the first place. She could have left. She could have denied Enya and Irie's request too keep her at the company, went back to her home and continued working for the rest of her life. But she stayed, partially because she was curious, partially because she didn't want to go back to work, and most importantly because of her big fat crush on the two women who once very clearly were the biggest threat to her life. She is quite obviously pining for the both of them, since instead of being scared or angry at them she is so overly fond and all putty in their hands.

And it just takes one simple move from Enya for her to be reminded of it.

The fire girl only laughs in her face after that and lets her go, leaving Dahlia both very confused and very much reminded of the ongoing issue of the relationship between the three of them. Confused because, what was that? Why was Enya pinning her hands next to her head and pressing her against the mattress, without uttering a single word in the early fucking hours of the morning? What a weird woman. But also reminded because from then on, she could not take her mind off the issue for a single second.

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