Chapter 1

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Kristen Rose, that's my name, and as of today I'm 17. Today is the day I can feel it I'm going to find him, the man I'm going to spend the rest of my immortal life with. You might be slightly confused let me explain. I'm a werewolf, but not just your ordinary werewolf, I'm what you may want to call a Silver Wolf, silver only makes me stronger and faster, instead of weaker and slower. My eyes glow sliver, not gray, which is always a hard concept to explain to people. Like basically the best way to describe it is that they look like mercury. My mate however, he most likely will just be a regular werewolf, but honestly I don't mind. As long as I have someone, you know? I used to have a great normal life, with a mom, a dad, and a big brother, but they are all gone now. Silver wolves don't need a pack, in fact we are stronger on our own. My father was an alpha of a pack that has been completely decimated by hunters. Hunters are almost exactly like werewolves except they don't shift into a giant wolf. They are stronger than the average human, faster, they have better senses, and heal fairly quickly. The hunter equivalent to a Silver Wolf, is a hunter named Asher Colton. He just so happens to go to my school, but for some weird reason he's never, and I mean never, tried to kill me. The only reason that I find this strange is that he's been around for almost 200 years, and from what I've heard, he's killed every Silver Wolf he's come into contact with. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, I like living, but it just makes me wonder.

Getting ready for school today was harder than usual. Maybe it's the feeling that my mate is somewhere waiting for me makes me restless. I took a shower and blow dried my hair. I don't really like make up that much so I just put on some concealer and mascara. My clothing was the thing that I was worried about the most. It could make me look like I'm trying too hard, or not enough. I had to find the perfect balance. I needed to wear something that was a bit nicer than what I normally do but not enough for people to be like "wow she actually tried today." I decided that a flowy white crop top with a small pocket on the right side with a sunflower on it was the perfect shirt. For the pants I chose a pair of medium wash jeans that made the cakes look just amazing. I grabbed my bag and went to my car. Since my father was the alpha of a no longer existing pack I inherited all of the money that the pack had, which was too much for a 17 year old girl to have all to herself. But in all honesty I'm not a flashy person. Except for my car, oh my car, I show that little piece of heaven off any chance I get. It's a white range rover. Basically my pride and joy is that car. But anyway I was off to school and hating every minute of the car ride. A day that was supposed to be so good started to feel off the closer I got to my school. Everything felt wrong but I pushed my feelings away and kept driving to school. When I got there I parked in my usual spot, or at least I tried to. A group of hunters were in my way.

"How are you boys doing this morning?" I asked too cocky for my own good. They couldn't kill me but Asher could, he was the only one who could.

"Great and you?" one of Asher's closest friends asked.

"Actually it's my birthday, but you obviously don't care. On second thought though, the best birthday gift ever would be for you to move out of my spot," I asked quickly getting annoyed.

"Sorry no can do, this is Asher's spot now, go find a new one mutt," a different one spoke up.

"I don't see him, or smell him, anywhere , so I suggest you move. Your friend can't help you if he's not here can he?" I threatened, but I wouldn't really hurt any of them I just had to make them think that I would.

"He is here," the first one spoke up pointing behind me. Quietly growling I gave up and drove to find a new parking spot. After all it wouldn't be fun to die on your birthday would it?

"Why don't you just kill her Asher?" I heard one of his friends ask him when he got out of his car. My hearing was amazing so I pick up stuff like this all of the time.

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