Chapter 19

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Asher's  P.O.V

As I was walking the wolf doctor out of the clinic I stopped her, questions itched at me about Kristen's health. I knew there was more to her condition than Dr. Wilde was leading on.

"What is really wrong with Kristen? What is really going to happen to her?" I asked harshly.

"I was going to talk to you privately about this, mainly because it involves her immortality," she responded.

"We can talk in my office, it is sound proof," i told her.

She nodded her head in response and I lead her to the main house. The walk was short and silent. When we go to my office she sat down in a chair, noticeably uncomfortable.

"How do I tell him that his bond is temporarily mortal?" she thought. Her mind flustered with too many other thoughts to make anything else out.

"Mortal?!" I yelled.

"Only until her body restores it natural balance," she said scared.

"I will speak with you later, she needs protection," i said mostly to myself.

"But there's more you should know," she said quickly.

"Make it fast," I said losing patience.

"The most important part of her healing process will be you, you're her mate," she said following my instructions.

"What do I have to do?" I asked, losing more and more patience as each second passed.

"You're her mate, and everything that involves you is increased ten fold. So kiss her, like it's the last time you ever will, whenever she's awake. It'll make her sweat, causing the toxin to come out, restoring her balance a lot quicker than anything else ever could," she said as fast as she possibly could.

The thought of continually making out with Kristen made me happy, but knowing the difficulty in which it will take to only kiss her hurts me already.

I dismissed Dr. Wilde, and quickly headed back to the clinic.

When I got back Jake was standing at her door, while Cora was leaned back on a chair sleeping with her mouth open. Jake moved so that I could enter her room. I opened the door slowly and saw her sleeping peacefully. The small hospital bed prevented me from crawling into the bed with her. Instead I pulled a chair over the the head of the bed watching her intently. I studied her face and memorized the lines and shapes. She was perfect in every way.

I reached out and moved the hair that had fallen into her face, blocking my view. My fingertips lightly touched her cheek leaving them hot and tingling in pleasure. She made a small noise that I could listen to all day, and he hand reached out for something. My hand seemed to move on it's own and connect with hers, he body seemed to relax and she stayed like this for three hours before I dozed off as well.

I was woken up by her soft voice saying my name, oh how i loved when she said my name.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I have to talk to you about something," she said in a sleepy voice.

"What is it my love?" i asked.

"I talked to alexander last night, he wanted the knife you said was in the dream you had," she said.

"I know, i had a meeting with him this morning," i said.

"I promise i'm not going to give him your real knife, just one that looks like it," she explained.

I knew she had a plan and i gave her a lazy smile in return.

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