Chapter 7

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Kristen's P.O.V

Asher slowly pulled off of me when he realized I wasn't going to hung him back.

"Don't do that ever again," he said turning away from me. Was he really mad that I shifted?!

"You act like I had a choice!" I yelled.

"You always have a choice Kristen," he said through his teeth.

"Then why am I here?!" I asked.

"You chose to be," he said I could basically hear the smirk on his face. I knew he was right, I willingly came here, but I didn't know it would be like this. Constant fighting and distrust was not a way that I want to live. I would rather be far from him than near him and be in a constant state of extreme distrust. I would much rather never have known what he did with Stacy. It just hurts more than everything. So I stay silent and put my head down. I didn't want to be here anymore.

"You know what's hilarious Kristen?" he asked turning around, "I knew this is what was going to happen, I was counting on it actually. You have no control over your wolf, you shifted in this room, and it justifies all that I was saying before," he said with a huge smile on his face, like he won.

"I didn't have a choice, other than to shift Asher, I fought her so hard, that's why I was in pain, screaming my lungs out!" I yelled not wanting to let him win. I felt my eyes tingle as they turned silver, but Argent knew what she has done, and chooses to stay back.

"Why weren't you crying?" he asked simply, "You were in the most amount of pain I've seen anyone in, in a while, and you didn't shed a single tear," he said sounding disgusted.

"I don't cry anymore, it takes way more than some pain to make me cry Asher," I explained annoyed.

"Why?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter, ok. You can't be mad at me for shifting, because you saw that I fought not to," I said.

"Whatever I have business to attend to don't bother me," he said leaving my room and locking my door.

What an asshole! He can't just walk away and lock me in here that's not fair. I quickly thought of something though, or someone I should say, Cora. I quickly followed the steps she told me a day ago and she was knocking on my door in a matter of minutes.

"You have to unlock it, Asher locked me in here," I said knowing she would still be able to hear me at a normal voice.

"What is it sweetheart? What do you need?" she asked opening the door and walking in.

"To see something new," I said, "I want to go downstairs or go swimming or something, I know there's a pool here."

She sighed lightly before saying, "I'm sorry Kristen I can't do that for you. Asher would not be happy knowing that you were downstairs where the other hunters."

I just groaned in response. "I'll tell him it was my idea, I won't let you get in trouble. Please, Cora, I need to go somewhere," I begged her.

"Fine, but I'm not going with you I have somethings I need to take care of," she said.

"Thank you so much Cora! You're the best!" I exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"You're welcome honey," she said laughing slightly, returning my hug.

Wolves hate being cooped up in one spot for long periods of time, they get restless, and some even go crazy. Cora walked out saying goodbye and I needed to go out in better clothes than his tshirt that I put on before Cora had gotten here. So I quickly went into Asher's room and wasn't surprised to see that he was not here. I changed into some jeans and a loose OF tshirt and put on my white vans and brushed my hair in the bathroom.

As I was walking downstairs I could hear laughter from the rooms, and I wished I had friends here my age that I could talk to but I don't. When I got to the base of the steps everyone on the first floor stopped talking, and looked at me. Fast was pouring out of most of them, they were surprised to see me down here. It was mostly kids from school and a few adults who grabbed their kids and held them like I was going to hurt them or something.

"Go back upstairs Kristen," Asher's angry voice said from behind me. I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone in the room. Asher then spoke again, "I know that you heard me Kristen."

"I did, but I'm choosing not to listen," I replied going to the kitchen area, but I was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist. Asher pulled me back and around so I was facing him and flush against him.

"Do you want to do this the easy way, or the hard way? Your choice," he said the word choice with such venom. I chose the hard way, of course I ripped my wrist from his hand and acted like I was going to walk back up the stairs, on my third step I turned and bolted for the back door. Everyone in the room either screamed, gasped or held their breath as I passed them. I got outside easily and quickly began to run to the woods that started about 100 yards from the back door. I just kept running, for as long as I could.

It was starting to get dark, and I had made sure to just go straight, so I had no chance of getting lost. So I just stayed out here. I never shifted so I didn't have to worry about clothes or anything like that. I just wandered through the woods aimlessly. I then came to a tree stump that was absolutely massive. It had to be at least 10 feet in diameter. It seemed to stand alone as other trees circled it. I looked up and saw the moon above me, it was almost full, I drank in the light as I sat on the tree stump in the middle sitting with my legs crossed.

Then I heard a twig snap, fuck. I growled lowly not knowing the smell of the person.

Suddenly a man ran out at me shouting and yelling.

"You can't be here, he'll kill you if he finds you, leave now!" he yelled in a panic. He looked at the tree and me horrified. He looked as if he wanted to grab me off of the tree, but he couldn't. I just rolled my eyes and proceeded with what I was doing.

"I'm begging you, please, you're not safe here!" he cried.

I sighed and unwrapped my legs and stood up and quickly walked to the edge and jumped a little.

"Listen, I'm fine crazy," I said getting frustrated.

"You don't understand," he cried dropping to his knees, "if he finds out you were here, you're done. Leave!"

"I think I'll be fine," I said kneeling down flashing my eyes.

"You're supposed to be dead!" he said shocked, "Alexander said, 'the wolf with the Mercury eyes is dead and gone'"

"Well tell your friend, I'm alive and well and that I'm not afraid of him," I said changing my eye color and barring my canines. The man cowered down lower to the ground whimpering, I faintly heard my name being yelled.

"Go," I told the man, and he got up and ran from wherever he came from.

The yells started getting louder and I could smell and hear more clearly that
it was Asher.

"Kristen! Where are you, you need to come back!" he yelled.

I followed his sent and lead me right behind him. And I just stood there until he turned around and noticed me. When he did his face softened for a second and then went hard and he walked toward me at a quick pace.

"DON'T EVER DISOBEY ME LIKE THIS AGAIN KRISTEN! YOU NEED TO LEARN RESPECT AND DISCIPLINE! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS!" he yelled walking towards me. I didn't flinch or move as he was doing this, he stopped a few steps away from me.


"I was thinking I needed fresh air, the woods, nature, out of the compound in general," I said still angry from the crazy man by the tree.

"You have lost all chances of ever being able to leave that room, I hope you understand. If you leave again I have no choice but to punish you," he gritted through his teeth.

"I'll go insane, I hope you understand that," I growled.

"Of course I do, I understand perfectly," he said quickly walking over to me and throwing me over his shoulder. As he walked back to the compound I was completely silent, he wanted me to break, oh goody.

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