Chapter 27

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Kristen's P.O.V

Asher had pulled over at this point but he was growing impatient, I could tell. He really wanted me to go back, but he doesn't understand just how bad it was when i left.

"Asher, you don't understand, what happened, what i saw," i trailed off.

"Kristen, i've seen everything, and to been just as close to home as it has been with you. I've seen my parents die right before my eyes, but years later I faced the pain and went back. I found closure from the experience. I just want the same for you," he said calmly.

I didn't respond right away, I had to think. This was a huge deal to me. Everyone i've ever known died that day, and I was the only one left to see what had been left behind. Asher will never understand, because he's never lost his whole world in a matter of hours, he still had a branch when all was said and done, and he still had his friends to go back to. Me? I had nothing, it will never be the same.

"Fine but we aren't staying long," I gave in, convincing myself that maybe it would bring closure.

The car started again and we were back on track. To minimize the amount of anxiety i felt, I closed my eyes and Asher's hand found mine. Sleep came fast and soon i was immersed in a dream world.

"Kristen, come down here we have a guest," I heard my dads voice and i knew it wasn't real, but my mouth reacted as if their deaths never happened.

"Dad, I have things to do," I lied. I was sitting on my old bed. Dusty pink sheets and a white down comforter. My room was just as i had left it. Clothes on the floor from the day of the "attack" and a cup on my nightstand.

"Kristen Lynn Rose, come down here now, don't make me send Lucas to come get you," my mom threatened.

Even though i didn't want to my eyes rolled and I reluctantly got up. I looked in the mirror and I was 14 again. My hair was shorter and darker. I was slightly shorter and I wasn't near as toned as I am now.

"Oh look who rose from the dead," Lucas teased. My heart fluttered with excitement of seeing my brother as i went down the stairs. While I wanted to jump into his arms and give him a hug all i did was slap his arm.

"You hit like a girl," he teased again.

"Who's here stupid?" i asked him.

"I have no clue, smells like a hunter though," he growled. I sniffed the air but smelled nothing. It was so strange it was like i was nowhere. I was I guess, I was dreaming.

When we reached the kitchen I saw Asher standing, talking to my parents. They looked shocked, but he was clam.

"Who are you," my bother growled.

He turned around and looked at me his jaw clenched, but I didn't feel our bond. At this point in my life I had already turned, so dream Asher had to know what I am.

"I'm the Immortal Hunter, Asher Colton. I've come to collect what is mine," he was different, angrier, like his uncontrollable self.

I wanted to say that it was okay that I'd go with him, but my body wouldn't let me.

"Lucas, stand down," my farther commanded. My heart was warm seeing him and my mom again.

"What is yours here?" my brother sounded forced, like he was going to shift any moment.

"Her, and if she doesn't come with me, you will all die," he smiled looking at me.

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