Chapter 29

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Blood dripped down my cheek from the small cut that Asher had made on it with the Silver knife. It didn't hurt, it was Silver. Silver made me stronger, so there must be something in him that wanted me to get better.

No matter how much he cut me or hurt me, nothing had hurt worse than his words. He would call me horrible things and had no signs of stopping.

He walked into the cell and knelt down in front of me, he wiped off the trickle of blood from my cheek and his finger left a small trail of tingles which made me want to shiver.

"Go away," i lowly said. I didn't sound like myself, i sounded weak tired and angry. My voice was low and rough, and my throat burned from the dehydration I was facing.

He just laughed in response ripping one of the chains from the wall. My arm fell immediately and I all of the stress that was put on my arm was gone and the rawness of my wrist began to heal.

"Want me to go away now?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yes," i answered simply.

"Well the full moon is tonight and i figured that you would want to get out for a bit and run," he offered.

It sounded too good to be true but there was no way he was just letting me go. My healed wrist gained it strength back and i ripped the other chain off of the wall. Asher smiled but it didn't seem evil, instead he seemed excited.

"Why are you doing this," me voice soft and cracked as i rubbed my wrist waiting for it to heal.

"I wanted you to prove to me you weren't as weak as I thought you were, you've almost passed. You've lasted a week in this prison without breaking and i'm sure you could got longer, but no one likes a show off. You have one more test. There's a pack of rouges migrating here and they'll be at the city limit in about an hour, that's also when the sun sets and the full moon rises. Kill them all and i'll stop this and i'll come right back to you wolf," he explained lifting my chin softly so i'd look at him while he was talking to me. His eyes seemed darker if that was even possible, and his skin seemed to glow. He was gentle but no where near kind right now. He looked great, while I probably looked like death.

He left me with he cell door open, it truly was a test to whether or not I would do what he wanted me to.

I slowly stood and walked to the cell door. Asher was gone and his smell was faint. I went up the stairs and was shocked to see that my old pack house was preserved. Everything was just as it was before the attack. I felt tears well in my eyes but I quickly made them go away and grabbed some water from the tap. Someone also has been paying for this place to have power and water, why? I heard foot steps upstairs but ignored them because i knew that it was Asher.

I left the house after drinking, the memories overwhelming me. The fresh air filled my lungs and I smiled. The sun had began to set and for some reason I knew exactly what i had to do. I had to bring Asher out of this, no matter how much it hurt.

I shifted and ran to the city boarders. It didn't take long to smell and hear the fall of foot steps. I followed haste and I soon stumbled upon the group of rouges. There was 6 of them, 4 men and 2 women. They were oblivious to my presence, and the same feeling that consumed me in the field back at the compound, consumed me here.

Jake was right, they're rouges, the deserve to die. I made noise on purpose and the rouges looked in my direction and growled lowly. I ran in the direction of the town boarder, knowing that they would follow. They were all matted and dry blood covered their mussels and paws. I was much faster than them but I slowed so they thought that they had a chance to catch me. Thick forest concealed my silver fur and or they would've stopped following long ago.

I broke through the tree line into a clearing that I had lead them to. They broke though growling. It took them just a moment to realize who they had been chasing before they whimpered and began to back away. I flashed behind them and they whimpered, scared for their lives.

I would be lying if I said my wolf wasn't excited by their fear. She growled lowly and it only scared them more.

"We're sorry Alpha," a sandy brown male wolf  mind linked me lowering himself in submission. My heart was beating rapidly. Half with excitement and half with pain that I will be the one to spill more blood on this land.

I leg out a louder more menacing growl. They all lowered themselves in submission whispering, telling me that they were sorry for coming here asking for mercy, begging for it.

I sniffed the air. The woodsy smell that Asher exuded these days was close. He was watching me to make sure that I didn't back out of this.

"I will show you no mercy for trespassing," my wolf's voice scarily sweet through the mind link as she was determined to get her mate back.

They backed into the the clearing more, they were truly scared for their lives. One didn't seem as scared as the others, his body language told me that he was waiting for the right moment to attack. I decided to test his bravery.

I turned around and looked into the tree line sniffing the air. His paws were no where near quiet as he sprinted towards me. His teeth sunk into my side when he reached me and I growled at the small sting it made me feel.

I bucked and he flew a few feet away. The wound healed immediately and i stalked towards him. He was indeed the brave one of the group as he stood back up shaking off the
twigs and things that might have gotten stuck in his matted fur. He growled and told me that he wasn't afraid of me. I didn't stop as I got closer but he didn't move at all. A ground shaking growl ripped through the air, it had come from me and in a flash the dark brown wolf was on the floor his neck was twisted in a strange way and teeth marks spilled blood from his neck. Whimpers and the sounds of bones cracking were heard behind me and I figured they had all shifted back but upon turning around they all laid much like the wolf I had killed did.

A wolf with silver eyes and fur stood over them and growled in approval in looking into my eyes. His sent intoxicating, woodsy and like rain, but also had hints of dressy laundry. It was like a stronger version of Asher's uncontrolled sent. He stalked towards me slowly he breathing was heavy and staggered. His heart beat rapidly with excitement. Who was he? And how could he even exist, and how was he my mate when i had Asher?

I growled with distrust telling him not to come closer to me.

"I'm sorry we had to meet this way my love, I'm Kingston," he introduced himself. His voice low and velvety, much like Asher's but deeper and more mysterious.

"Show me your human form wolf," I commanded.

"I'm afraid I can't, not yet. But soon all will make sense," he explained vaguely.

He came up to me he was bigger than me because somehow that was possible, i was a runt compared to him, and he rubbed his body against mine, making me feel the heat and pleasure of the mate bond. He did this to rub his sent on he and when he was satisfied with how much of his sent I held he ran off into the woods leaving me only with a name and a tingling feeling where his body rubbed against mine.

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