Chapter 20

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Kristen's P.O.V

For the next day I fell in and out of sleep, and whenever I was awake I was greeted by Asher's hungry lips on mine. It wouldn't take long for him to start having to fight himself, but I was starting to not want him to fight his urges. He would kiss me so passionately I would begin to sweat, and I swear that my wound was healing faster because of this.

I didn't know how much longer I had to be in the clinic, but I'm hoping it's not too long. I've hated hospitals since I was a kid, they freak me out and the smell makes me feel sad, I don't know how to explain it.

"Kristen you can leave tomorrow morning because your wound has healed more than halfway," Asher said coming back into the room, with food.

"Thank god. Hospitals freak me out," I admitted and he just laughed a little at me.

He set down the pizza on the side table and quickly gave me a couple slices, and he waited for me to start eating. I have no idea why he waited for me. I know a lot about hunters but I don't know small traditions like this.

"Is it normal to wait for the female to eat?" i asked.

"Yes, the females usually prepare the food, and the men serve the food to their families. They wait to make sure every mouth is being fed. Male hunters provide for their families, and they take pride in knowing that they're doing a good job at that," he explained to me.

"Females usually wait for the males to eat, mainly because the males hold the highest positions in the pack," I said.

"I know, it's a very backwards way of thinking if you ask me," he said, and I just kind of laughed at this.

When I had taken a couple bites he finally began eating. It was strange for me to eat first, I wanted to tell Asher that he should eat first, but he's not a werewolf and he doesn't think the same way as me.

We finished fast and he held my hand with his.

"I want to take you back now. I want to feel how it is to sleep with you in my arms. How smooth your skin is in the morning, all of it," he said.

"Then lets go," I pleaded.

"Okay, come here," he said, holding out his hands.

I took them and he picked me up quickly. Cora and Jake were sitting on the chairs across the hall from my room, had they been here all day?

We passed a girl in the cafeteria who looked conflicted and I felt compelled to help her.

"Asher put me down, I have to talk to that girl," I told him. He looked at me strangely, but put me down like I asked. I walked over to her and she looked up at me, she had a slight glimmer of fear in her eyes.

"I'm Kristen," I introduced myself.

"Amber," she said in a small voice.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I genuinely wanted to know, and I have no clue why.

"It's nothing, I don't want to inconvenience you and Leader Asher," she said with her head down.

"Nonsense, I want to help you. If it's about boys, trust me I've gone through quite a bit with Asher. I can help you, but you have to let me Amber," I explained.

"I found my true bond a while ago, but i'm too scared to talk to him, and he's always too busy to notice me," she said sadly. I felt bad for her, she was a shy, quite girl, but I liked that. It was refreshing from the loud, arrogant hunters that I usually encounter in the compound.

"Does he have a name? I'm sure Asher can work something out to give him time to spend with you," I offered, but she just shook her head.

"I don't want to take him away from his work, it's very important," she said. Who was this guy?

"You can trust me Amber, just tell me his name and I'll work something out myself," I said.

"It's Jake, the Second in Command," she said with her head hung.

My body flashed in rage, how could Jake ignore his bond like this?!

"Don't worry I'll deal with it Amber," I gave her a smile, and she smiled back. It was very pretty, and so was she. I have no idea why Jake was neglecting her like this.

"Thank you.." she said not knowing what to call me. Hell i wouldn't either.

"Just call me Kristen," I said with a big smile.

"Thank you Kristen," she said smiling more.

I went back over to Asher who seemed a little shocked.

"She's Jake's bond?" he whispered to me so she couldn't hear as we walk out.

"You can read minds, and you couldn't read that?" I asked laughing a bit.

"I only involuntarily do it when people are extremely upset, scared, happy, excited, or angry. Other times i have to go in myself," he explained.

"Tell Jake to meet me in your office, I have to talk to him about her," I said to Asher. He just slightly laughed as he took my hand in his. He walked in front of me to make sure I would look at him. 

"Kristen, I need you to understand something about how hunters feel about their true bonds, because it's not nearly the same as a mate bond," he began to explain, "It's a comfort knowing the person you're supposed to be with, someone that goes with you perfectly, but if a hunter chooses otherwise than that's his or her choice and both parties can move on peacefully afterwards.

"It's hard for you to grasp this, but hunters don't fall in love at first sight. They get to know their true bond and it's a natural build up to having an epic love. After all of that it's time to fully bond, and that's when it starts becoming like a mate bond. You feel the tingles and the sparks, and you crave them constantly and indefinitely. It is all up to us as the person to decide if we want a somewhat human relationship or if we want our true bond. Jake and Amber have to find their own timeline for each other, and they have to write their own story with each other or without each other it's truly up to them," he said. He had such a way with words, and by the time he was done explaining we were back at the main house.

It made me upset that some hunters didn't end up with the person that's literally made for you, but if that's how it worked then how am I supposed to change that.

"And do you feel the same way about me?" I asked him, suddenly realizing that he could feel absolutely nothing for me when i'm feeling everything for him.

"No," he said quickly, and I silently jumped for joy on the inside, "Maybe it's because I've been around so long, and i've never been able to call someone truly mine this whole time. I skipped all of the slow human-like falling in love and went straight to seeing you and knowing, feeling all of the urges and craving to be with you. Your skin sets mine ablaze and it always will. So, I have no idea what's so different about me," he said. I was relieved to know that he did feel the ways that I did.

Do I love him, no not yet, but I want to. Very badly.

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