Chapter 32: Lucid Dreaming

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Dedicated to LaShonda For her awesome comment a couple chapters back, "You Never Fail To Surprise Me!!! I Swear it Seems As If They Made Wattpad Just For You." « My emotions like damn. I was so speechless.

Yes I have been M.I.A for a while, you all may yell at me (».«) but read this chapter first lol


"I keep telling everyone, she let go of me, there was nothing I could do!" I whispered tears gushing down my already tear stained cheeks. This was the fourth statement I had given in about an hour. I was lying down on a hospital bed with a bandage round my forearm and a blue patch around my left wrist that had me connected to some sort of machine monitoring my pulse. I was scared, shaken and completely worn out; I have no idea how Im managing to stay awake. I dont feel like myself right now, its like I am a bystander, just watching all this crazy stuff happen to me. The man who had been asking me questions scribbled something down in his notebook and looked back up at me but I looked past him to see a doctor standing at the door pushing a person in a wheelchair. "Latrice?" I stared at her. She had a bandage over her head that covered her face, making it look as though she had the face of a sterile Egyptian Mummy and her arm was in a sling. The doctor wheeled her chair towards me and the rusty wheels made a sinister squeaking noise after each revolution. I felt all my muscles tensing. "Latrice I'm sorry." I begged as she came closer, I could hear her harsh ragged breaths, a stray bandage trailed carelessly behind her. "No Latrice I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to-" Latrice shook her head and pointed to her injuries one by one before slowly extending her arm and pointing at me. I froze. "Its not my fault." Latrice nodded, or at least moved her head as if to say 'Yes it is all your fault.'"No..." I began sobbing, my sobs turned into cries and then my crying turned into echoing screams of fear. Latrices breathing got heavier and arm stretched towards me, suddenly I felt hands, gripping me, pulling me down. I tried to wrestle free but had no luck. I just felt the hands dragging me down into blackness.

Someone yelled my name, dragging me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes, bright spots danced in front of me. I blinked, a strange steady beeping noise filled my ears. I felt a weird clenching sensation in my arm, slightly below my shoulder. I looked at it and found a massive beige strap on my arm in addition to the bandage and the blue patch and I had noticed before. What was going on?

-Prod POV-

I carefully closed the hospital room door behind me as I entered. I looked around, it was so clean and white. My eyes fell on Jameelah, she was asleep on the bed in the centre of the room. Last time I had seen her asleep, she looked peaceful, now she looked troubled and restless. I blamed myself, I shouldn't have kissed Latrice like that, made her feel inadequate. No. I shouldve left her alone when I met her in London. None of this would be happening if I had.

I looked around, I saw Keisha standing beside me. "Are you okay?"

I wasnt that startled, Keisha has this weird habit of popping up randomly and speaking as if shes been there the whole time. I opened my mouth to answer when someone else spoke.

"I think so, whats going on?" It was Jameelah, she had woken up and was looking really distressed.

"Youve had a rough couple of hours Jay." Keisha said. "We werent sure what was gonna happen to you. Broken rib, concussion and a bone-deep cut on your right leg. You are so lucky you only fell a few feet. If the rooftop dining tables weren't there..." She shuddered. Then cleared her throat.  "You did have a damaged kidney but they fixed that almost straight away so you shouldnt have any worries on that front. "

"Ive been bruised before Keisha stop looking so worried." Jay mumbled.

The door opened and a nurse entered. She looked at us. "Visiting hours are over now."

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