Chapter 3: That Weird Feeling Just Wont Fade Away

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Dedicated to i_adoremusic - First to vote this chapter <3 Thanks babes x

I watched as Prodigy and Rinaa walked 2 doors further down the hall and went into an interview room. I tilted my head back against the wall and stared at the ceiling before closing my eyes and exhaling hard. I dont know what just happened to me.

I am not used to feeling like that, all warm and tingly. Its not usual for me to look into someones eyes and for me to see myself. People are usually so caught up in their own little words to notice me and thats why I like looking into peoples eyes, it tells me all about them in a few seconds and I can usually find out why I'm irrelevant to their world....

"What are you doing?" Said a voice I vaguely recognised.

Without opening my eyes I replied "I was thinking, that is until you interrupted me."

"Well your were obviously having good thoughts if your that annoyed by me interrupting you, thinking about your boyfriend?" My eyes flew open. I looked down the hall and saw it was the boy from before, the one Rinaa called Prodigy. I narrowed my eyes at him; he looked like he'd been standing there for quite a while. He was a reasonable distance away from me but he took a step back and raised his hands in the air "No need to give me that look! I just wondered why you were being so unfriendly"

"Why would having a boyfriend make me unfriendly?" I rolled my eyes at him and then closed them again. The weird tingly feeling was returning and I wanted to get rid of it. It went real quiet and I thought maybe he had gone back into the interview room but then I sensed something move around me and I opened my eyes again and I saw Prodigy had moved right in front of me and sat down so his back was against the wall opposite. He looked up at me and his right eyebrow raised slightly "What??!!" I asked him. He was beginning to annoy me and I think he knew it too.

He laughed slightly as he said "You havent answered my question!"

"What question?" I asked, genuinely confused

"Were you thinking about your boyfriend?" He repeated with a slight smile

"No." I said pulling my Ipod out of my pocket and preparing to put my headphones on because he obviously doesnt get that I want to be left alone.

"Before you put those on, could I get your number?" He asked. He's brave. I dont understand why he is being so persistant. "You might feel like talking to me a bit later?"

For the first time since we started talking I looked at him properly. The butterflies came rushing back I dont know why I keep feeling like this but I want it to stop "If I give you my number, will you leave me alone?"

"If thats what you want me to do"

"What I really want for you to do is to go back into that interview room and to forget about me" I told him. I really dont understand his interest in me, my own family dont pay me this much attention to my thoughts and feelings, why should he?

"Well, sorry thats not about to happen so here" He stood up and pulled a pen and a slip of paper out of his blazer pocket, using his knee as a table he wrote somthing on it, as he wrote his poked his  tounge out and held it between his teeth, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered harder. He held the paper out to me. I looked at the paper doubtfully, "Look, take it" he said waving the paper slightly "Its just a way for you to get in contact with me if you change your mind and decide to be friendly. Plus its the quickest way for you to get rid of me" He smiled cheekily.

The butterflies turned into stampeding rhinos. I took the paper with my free hand and put it in the back pocket of my jeans. "Happy?"

"I'm overjoyed believe me." He said with a straight face. I giggled in spite of myself. "You have a very nice smile Jameelah." He said, the tone in his voice almost made me blush. I stopped laughing immediately. I rearranged my features so that my expression was back to neutral. "Oh come on. Dont be like that! I'm just trying to talk to you"

He really didnt get it did he? The longer he stayed here, next to me the stronger this feeling in my stomach got, I really dont like this feeling. Instead of replying to him I unwound the headphones I had wrapped around my Ipod and put them in my ears. I looked towards the door like I was waiting for Rinaa to walk out. "I dont know if you hear me" he said "but I think you should talk and smile more because it really suits you Jameelah. Hopefully I'll see you again......" He finally left. I deliberately didnt put on my music because I wanted to see and hear how he would react. Once he had gone back into the room I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands. I really didnt know what to think.

I felt a tap on my head. I looked up and saw Rinaa staring down at me. "Whats up?" she asked "Why you on the floor?"

I stood up. Put away my Ipod. I looked at her, I couldnt ruin her happiness with my dumb feelings so I said "I was waiting for you to come out silly!!" I tapped her nose then linked her arm "Tell me all about it" I said walking her away from the interview rooms and back towards the unused office we had come up through. I only half listened to her talk about how big Princeton's hair was and how funny Ray was once he started cracking jokes because I was just I trying to get that weird feeling to fade away. Hard as I tried it just wouldnt disappear.

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