Chapter 34: Empathy

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  • Dedicated to Minoooooo

I do not know whats up with my updating schedule. If the next two chapters are long as shit would y'all forgive me for ghosting?


 I went into my room and stayed beside the door, I counted to ten before opening it again and peeking out. As I expected the corridor was completely empty. I crept out of my room and made my way cautiously to the elevator at the end of the hall. I jabbed the button twice and tapped my foot impatiently as I the light on the top said it was ascending, I tapped my foot impatiently. A ping and the doors slid open. A doctor I didnt recognise stepped out as I went in, ducking my head so I wouldnt be recognised. I pressed the button for the third floor and backed up against the side of the elevator as I felt it swoop me upwards. It took me a while but I finally made it to Latrice's room. So far I'd been caught going walk about twice and scolded more than I care to remember.

"What the fuck took you so long?!" She said as soon as I opened the door.

"Well, excuse the fuck outta me." I said holding my hands up. "Dodging hospital staff while you're supposed to be on bed rest is not easy you know." I huffed.

"Dont take that tone with me. I'll run you over." Latrice said smiling serenly.

I folded my arms. "Wait, with your car or your wheelchair?" There was silence for a moment before we both burst out laughing.

"Jameelah thats not fair!!!" She whined. "You always get me with that one!"

I shrugged. "To be honest its the only thing I got on you. That and the stairs." She threw a pillow at me and I dodged it with ease. "Oh come on Latrice, better your aim." She glared at me and I flashed her a grin. My eyes followed the pillows path and I noticed it landed next to a massive plush teddy bear that was holding a bunch of roses. "Who is that from?!" I asked putting my hand on my hip and smiling at her.

She laughed and then chewed her lip not looking directly at me. "I dont know who its from, it came earlier this morning."

"Someone's got a secret admirer..." I said with a wink. "Every time I come in here there is some kind of-"

"Oh please." She laughed. "Who'd want to admire a paigon like me?"

I laughed, I'd been teaching her London slang for the past week, she always found a way to include paigon into her sentences. "Latrice what is your obsession with the word paigon?"

She shrugged and smiled. "It sounds cute and really British."

I raised an eyebrow "Ugh, that's what Skye says whenever I say-"

"Who?" She interrupted curiously.

"Oh, Skye is um a friend. From school." Everything went quiet for a while. "Do you miss her?" I looked up. "Skye." Latrice said impatiently. "Do you miss her?"

I smiled to myself. "Of course I miss her!! She is like my other half."

"I thought that was Prod." She said with a confused grin.

I laughed at her slowness. "Latrice, Skye is like the sister I never had, together we are like one person in two different bodies-"

"Like twins?"

"Exactly!!!!" I said pointing at her in agreement. "Except, different parents."

"Okay, so she's like your bestfriend?" I opened my mouth to agree but clamped it shut. I didnt want to call her that. That seemed so childish, a title befitting to the bond I thought I shared with Rinaa but nothing in comparison to what Skye and I have.

"Best friend doesnt feel right." I said slowly. "She's more like, my twin sister."

"...Oh." Latrice said. "Look at you. Miss I-Got-It-All. Life loves you doesnt it." She said with a smile that didnt seem as friendly as she might have wanted it to. "Everyone loves you."

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