Chapter 12: It Was .... Nice

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Dedicated to Ukeme  for being so lovely and funny as hell :') Seriously, thats my Nigguh right thur !! She fangirls over my accent ._.

-Jameelah's POV-

I woke up feeling completely refreshed. I showered feeling like I was washing the old me off and preparing for a completely new life. A life full of love laughter and dare I say it, happiness?  

Fully dressed and looking forward to today. It just felt like it was good day, I mean, the worst was over right? 

I grabbed my phone off the bed and slipped it into my pocket before scanning the room once to make sure it was tidy and opened the door. Walking down the hall and into the lounge I heard talking and laughing and the clink of a cup. As I walked into the lounge I saw Keisha, Kenneth and a man I didnt recognise sitting in the 3 sofas around a coffee table all laughing, each holding a cup of coffee. I stood there awkwardly for a second before Keisha smiled at me and said "Oh Jameelah your up!" She set her coffee down on the table and got up to hug me "Morning" She said brightly. "How was your sleep?"

"Fine" I replied smiling back

"Any of the boys up yet" She asked me

"I dont think so..." I said

She turned back and said to Kenneth "You owe me $5"

Kenneth stood up "No fair Keisha! You dont know if the boys are up yet!!!"

The other guy laughed, took a sip of his coffee and said "She did say she didnt think-"

"Walter shut up! This bet was between me and Kenneth! You said you didnt want in on who wakes up first so just stay drinking that coffee!" She yelled at him. I laughed a bit and Keisha turned back to me. I immediately stopped laughing, pressing my lips together so I didnt make a sound. She narrowed her eyes at me and I took a step back, scared I did something wrong. As I did she laughed, opening her arms ''Ah, you looked so scared! Its okay i'm not that mean!'' I allowed myself to relax into her embrace and she rubbed my back, ''You have got to relax Jameelah, no one here is gonna get mad at you for no reason okay?'' I nodded into her shoulder, laughing again. She let me go and went back to her seat, picking up her coffee she said ''What do you want to eat for breakfast? Theres room service if you want it or you could use what we got over there'' She pointed to the far side of the lounge, I noticed a miniature kitchen, one cupboard above a round sink with a small stove and a mini fridge and a little white marbled square for a counter top. "Theres not much in there though."

"Or wait for the boys to wake up. Everyone could eat together?" Kenneth suggested

"I dont see why not" The guy Keisha had told to shut up said nonchalantly taking another sip of coffee. He looked past me then said "Keisha you owe me $5."

I turned around Keisha replied "Why? You didnt bet on anyone!" A few seconds later she said "Oh damn thats right. Morning Princeton," I grinned then looked back at the adults. Keisha was craning her neck to see past where Princeton and I were standing "none of the other boys up?" she asked.

I laughed a bit at the hope in her voice. Princeton leaned his head a bit closer to mine and said "Ever since I can remember they've bet on the order we will wake up in" He said jeking his head in the direction of the adults who were now arguing "They have a person who they think will wake up first and a person who they think will wake up last each. If they get it right, its $5" I raised my eyebrows "Keisha usually loses" He said matter of factly. His eyes widened and he ran back towards his room, I barely had time to be confused before Keisha dashed past me.

I spun round dazed as Prince's door slammed shut and Ray Ray stepped out of his. I watched a confused look come across his face as he saw Keisha trying to beat down the door. I laughed because his face showed every bit of confusion that I felt. I shook my head and Ray looked at me. He burst out laughing and said "Dont worry Jameelah!!! You get used to the madness!" I doubt if I'll ever get used to this, but I have to say I wouldnt mind spending more time with them.

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