Chapter 9: Thank Me Later

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-Jameelahs POV- 

"I want you to go in there and grab a bag, pack as much stuff as you can and leave, if your not out in 20 minutes I'm coming in ok?" Kenneth said to me. 

I looked at him blinking like a deer caught between headlights. Everything was happening so fast! 

I had told Prod my story. Surprisingly it didnt take that long, it was always so hard to talk about with anyone but once I had started to talk to him I couldnt stop. It was like I was talking to myself, in a good way. He didnt interrupt me once, he didnt make a single sound while I spoke; He even stayed silent when I told him how much my mother hated me and how she always made me remember how much of a misery I had made her life by being born.  

By the time I was finished we both had tears running down our cheeks. He dried mine gently and rocked us back and forth on the swing, "Dont cry Jameelah" He had said, while crying himself "I'm sure your mum cant hate you. Its impossible to hate someone as wonderful as you" He kissed my cheek. 

I had sighed then and explained how she tormented me every single time I smiled and constantly let me know that the only reason she tolerates having me under her roof is so she can make sure that I regret and every single second of happiness I had taken from her. When he sniffed and asked me if there was anything else I wanted to tell him, I simply pulled up the sleeve of my jacket and showed him the cuts mums nails had left in my arm and the amount of bruises she had left from punching my arm and the cigarette burns that were all over my elbow. He looked at them all carefully examining each of them individually. Then he suddenly stood up sliding me off his lap onto the grassy floor, he looked so angry I shuffled away from him a little before standing up. He had looked at me and then opened his arms, I remember just sinking into them. He held me tighter than I'd ever been held before, it felt like he was trying to shield me from the world. 

We pulled apart and I looked into his eyes. I saw my own sadness reflected back at me except that there was something else I couldnt quite identify too, something I was sure I felt too but couldnt place. I was about to ask him what he was thinking when he kissed my forehead, let me go and walked over by the slide leaving me really confused. I had sat back down on the swing wondering what the hell was going through his mind before he let me go. 

I got so caught up in my thoughts I didnt even realise him coming back to me. He had knelt on the grass in front of me and put his head on my knee. I rested my hand on the back of his head and we sat like that in silence for a moment before he said "Jameelah, I'm sorry you had to live with this for so long," His voice sounded jerky and his words were coming out in all these different pitches. "You cant possibly let this continue" He gulped as tears came running down his cheeks. "I cant let this keep happening to you. Sorry Jameelah but someone has to end this"  

I was confused at first but after he stopped crying and regained control of his voice he explained how he had called his management, that they were planning to get me out of my mothers house and that they were on their way too us as we spoke.

-Prods POV- 

I looked over at Jameelah, who was sitting next to me in the back seat of the car. She looked so scared. I stretched my hand accross the empty seat between us to hold her hand, she looked at me and narrowed her eyes and I could hear her voice saying a thousand different things in my head. 

Why? Prod. Why? 

Motherfucker did I ask for your help? 

All I did was share my story with you I wish I hadnt. 

Now look at me, I dont even know what the hell is going on!! 

Thanks, Thanks a lot. I thought I could trust you. I dont know why the hell I told you. 

She turned her face to look out of the window again. I sighed and pulled my hand back, I just wanted to help her. When she told me what she's been going through I couldnt bear the thought of someone hurting her, especially her own mother. I knew she loved being independent but she cant fight this one alone. I felt sick to my core when I saw all the bruises and scratches on her arms, I saw those and I just knew I had to do something. 

I couldnt let her suffer but I didnt know what to do, so I called Keisha, my manager, she always understands everything and explained to her what was happening to Jameelah and she sent Kenneth to come and get us. He had said to Jameelah that she must'nt be scared or worried and that he was here to help her. At first I could tell she was confused but as Kenneth explained why he was there and what was going on her confusion turned into fear and now it just looked like anger. 

We pulled up outside her house and Kenneth turned around "Jameelah, I need you to go in there pack a bag and come straight back out okay?" I looked at Jameelah, she nodded. "Seriously Jameelah, I want you to go in there and grab a bag, pack as much stuff as you can and leave, if your not out in 20 minutes I'm coming in ok" Kenneth repeated. 

"Okay" Jameelah said. she put her hand on the door handle. 

"Jameelah" I said. She turned back to look at me, her eyes were cold.I avoided her gaze and said "Do you want me to come with you?" 

"You've done enough." She said getting out the car.  

I watched her walk into her house and shut the door, then I slumped down in my seat and sighed deeply.  

"Its okay Prod, you did the right thing" Kenneth said gently. I shook my head, I was just trying to help her and show her she did the right thing for letting me in, but it seemed like I'd just pushed her away. "She'll come around, dont worry. Your really saving her, she just doesnt know it yet. One day she'll be glad you told Keisha and I as quickly as you did" 

I hope he was right, it finally seemed like I had got her, I didnt want to lose her. I sat back and waited, staring at her front door hoping, praying Jameelah was gonna come back out.

Okay, I really updated this chapter because I had over 1000 reads :') honestly I never thought this story would get that many reads, so thank you <3  

I didnt mention this at the beggining of the chapter but I dedicated it to Jessica because she reminded me that sometimes in a story less is actually more <3 thanks for that

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