Echoing Footsteps

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Bela PoV:

                  I looked up as the footsteps rung out again, echoing through the halls of the castle. This had become a weekly occurrence, where I stayed up and heard someone or something wandering the castle. Whatever it was, it wore heavy boots, and I thought I'd heard wheezing at some point, but it stopped as soon as it began, so I couldn't tell. I could also always smell a faint whiff of vanilla and lavender before it vanished. I usually stayed in my room until it passed, but tonight I wanted to see it, whatever it was. I grabbed a candelabra, before waiting until it got close, bolting out the door. What I found in front of me was surprising to say the least: A short, muscular woman wearing a set of blue pajamas, a candle in one hand, with pale blue skin and long, messy navy blue hair that covered most of her face. She had one visible eye, which was a glowing blue, and she immediately took off once she had recovered from her shock, leaving me to chase her. 

                  "Wait, come back!" I shouted as quietly as I could, not wanting to wake my sisters, or Mother Miranda forbid, my Mother. She kept going, until we came to the armory, where she began to slip through a crack in the wall I had never seen before. I started to slip through after her, only to hiss in pain and recoil when a cold breeze hit me. I looked and saw a glowing blue eye staring at me, before it disappeared completely, and I was left wondering who, or what, was wandering the halls of our castle once more.


                   "So you're saying you saw a ghost?" Dani asked as me, Cass, and her sat in the library, arranged on plush chairs and couches. I nodded, sighing as Cass doodled in her sketchbook.

                   "I don't think she's a ghost, but I don't know what she is." Dani nodded, and Cass piped up.

                   "If you're not sure, ask Mother. She'll be able to tell us, or if not, help you find her." I nodded in agreement, before the three of us swarmed away to our Mother's study. We knocked, and as soon as we heard "enter" we opened the door and swarmed in.

                    "Darlings, what's the matter?" She asked, staring at us in worry.

                    "We have a ghost in the castle!" Dani yelled, causing Mother to raise an eyebrow at us.

                    "A... Ghost?" She asked, and I nodded.

                    "I saw her last night! She was walking through the halls, with a toolbox. She had blue skin, a glowing blue eye, and navy blue hair, and she ran away from me as soon as she saw me." At this point, I had noticed that Mother was trying to contain her laughter, and I pouted at her.

                    "Do you not believe me, Mother?" I asked, and she shook her head, a deep chuckle leaving her.

                    "No, it's just that your ghost chose the wrong time to hand in a status report." We all flipped around, and I saw the ghost standing there, wide-eyed and clutching a piece of paper. My sisters immediately swarmed over to her, taking in her scent.

                     "Mother, she smells amazing! Why have we never seen her before?" Dani asked, the question obviously more pointed towards the ghost herself.

                      "Because she prefers her privacy, and is shy enough to rival your Aunt Donna at times. Leave her be, please." My sisters grumbled, swarming back over to me. I simply smiled at the ghost, extending a hand for her to shake.

                      "I apologize for chasing you last night, I got excited to meet someone new." The ghost offered me a small, shy smile, shaking my hand as a small blush covered her cheeks.

                      "You're fine, Lady Bela. I understand why, just gave me a bit of a fright, that's all." She assured me in a quiet, yet deep, voice. It was quite soothing to listen to, and I felt a small pang of disappointment when she stopped talking. My Mother cleared her throat, and the ghost jumped, before handing her the paper. Mother read over it, before looking up at the ghost.

                      "That's quite the extensive list of parts, Eleanor. Why so many?" Mother asked, and Eleanor shifted uncomfortably.

                       "When you hired me, I warned you that an old castle like this would take some serious refurbishing. I've been working on the small stuff, so I could avoid your daughters like you asked, but it's time for the bigger projects that require me to be out more. A bloody maid saw me today, and I had to threaten her with a wrench." She grumbled, and Mother smiled.

                      "I see. Well, I'll tell the maids that if they see you, to forget you were ever there. And daughters," We all turned to look at her. "Please leave her alone while she's working, unless you wish to assist her in refurbishing the castle." We all nodded in unison, watching as Eleanor turned to leave, before turning back around.

                       "One thing, my ladies. Don't enter the walls after me, as they are freezing. While I have no issue with the cold, I know you three do. Eventually, I'll fix them to make them hospitable for you, but for the moment, please stay out for your own safety." She left the room, and we all looked at Mother, who smiled at us.

                          "You can have one question for me. The rest, you'll have to bring to her." We thought long and hard, before we came up with one.

                          "Can she be our friend?" We asked excitedly, and Mother chuckled, before nodding.

                          "Yes, once she has warmed up to you three, she can be your friend."

The Ghost Of Castle Dimitrescu(Paused, for now)Where stories live. Discover now