An Aggravating Appearance

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Bold text is someone speaking through a helmet. Someone ^. Text like this is Donna/Lady D speaking in unison.

Eleanor PoV:

                         "Uhh, hey look, that maid just opened a window!" I pointed behind her, and her eyes widened, immediately flipping around in concern for her daughters' safety. This lasted for all of two seconds before she realized what was happening.

                           "ELEANOR!" I started hauling ass away from her, but it turns out running from a nine foot six woman when you're only about five foot isn't easy.  I heard claws unsheathe behind me, and I turned around to see said claws zooming down towards my face. I shut my eyes, waiting for the inevitable, but was surprised when I heard only a clang.

                           "Glad I followed Donna to make sure the lycan didn't get her." A slightly muffled and somewhat loud voice filled my ears, and I opened my eyes to see a long sword of some kind holding back Lady Dimitrescu's claws. Connected to said sword was a woman in armor, with a chainmail chest piece with some fur draped over it, as well as some extra leather. Her helmet was an odd mix between a serial killer's mask, and a regular old fashioned chainmail helmet, with piercing ice blue eyes staring out. Her gauntlets and greaves were the oddest part, however, as they were made of an off white metal and were far bulkier than the rest of her gear. The aggravating part, however, is the fact that I knew this particular woman.

                          "Oh for the love of-Amelia, what the hell are you doing here?" I groaned, and she chuckled at me.

                         "Good to see you too, ice bitch. And the answer to that question is saving your ass from tall lady here." "I could've handled it myself, you onion-headed dipshit." "Don't insult my old armor, you frozen piece of shit!" This would have continued, if not for Donna and Lady Dimitrescu clearing their throats at the same exact moment.

                          "What is happening here?" They asked, and Amelia and I glared daggers at each other.

                          "She's an old acquaintance." We both growled, and Donna carefully pulled Amelia away from me.

                          "Donna, why this Amelia? You could've found someone much nicer to speak to." "Oh shut your yap, you frigid bitch, you're just angry cause I actually have friends." "Oh, you want to play that game? I'll take that sword and shove it so far up your ass that you'll be coughing up titanite! I'm still Unkindled too, you smoldering whore!" "Okay, that's it, I'm going to-" "SHUT. YOUR. MOUTHS!" Lady Dimitrescu roared, and we instantly shut up. 

                           "Donna, take your friend away. Eleanor, find something to do. Maybe go help Iselda to make up for nearly bashing her skull in last month. Do I make myself clear?" A few nods and "Yes ma'ams" later, and we went our separate ways. I found Iselda on the second floor, cleaning the Atelier. 

                           "Hey Iselda." I waved at the younger woman, who gave me a kind smile and waved back.

                           "Hi, Eleanor. What's up?" "Eh, not much. Just decided to come and help you out." The Lady probably didn't know this, but I had been helping Iselda, even befriending her, to make up for basically traumatizing her about a month ago. I picked up some spare cleaning supplies and started helping her. Eventually, our conversation turned from general gossip to backing me into a corner on something.

                           "Sooooo, Alcina's daughters have taken an interest in you." She grinned, and I gave her a raised eyebrow in response.

                           "What are you talking-wait, I don't want to know." She stared me down, and I raised my eyebrow further.

                           "Oh come on, they spent the entire last month searching for you! Don't tell me that you didn't notice." I blushed a deep blue and scratched my neck, causing her to roll her eyes.

                           "I've been very busy-" I began, but she just shook her head.

                           "No excuses. We're going to-" "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER!" We both spun to see a man standing there, a shotgun in his hands.

                            "What do we do?" Iselda whispered to me as we backed up, the man's hands shaking.

                            "Something stupid." I grunted, and she looked at me in dismay.

                            "Those three are going to kill you if you get hurt." She said, and I chuckled.

                            "Can't kill me if I do it myself!" I charged forwards, slamming into Ethan, who fired the shotgun. My chest went numb, and I heard something wet and heavy hit the ceiling. Probably a piece of my chest, but I ignored it as I pulled a screwdriver off my belt and shoved it into his heart. He screamed as I ripped a cavity in his chest and pulled out the organ, tossing it to the side as he writhed in pain on the ground. I picked up his shotgun, before aiming it at the heart, and firing. Ethan stopped moving, before crystalizing into a torso with a rose in the center of it. I dropped to my knees, letting the shotgun fall as Iselda ran over to me. I looked to my left to see a slab of blue flesh and a puddle of light blue blood surrounding it.

                            "That's mine, ain't it?" I slurred out, a delirious smile on my face. The last thing I saw was Iselda's horrified face as she tried to help me, before I let death embrace me.

                           Oh, some people died. Oh well, at least they weren't importan-Wait, what do you mean one of them was the main character? Oh shit-

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