An Old Enemy Appears

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Amelia PoV:

                        I stood outside of the house, waiting to intercept Eleanor. I knew she'd be angry, and I didn't want Donna or her dolls to get hurt during the fight. As I waited, I heard soft crunching, indicating someone was approaching. I looked up, expecting to find Eleanor approaching, and instead I saw Ethan Winters standing there, shotgun in hand.

                         "I'm getting my daughter back, you monsters!" He roared, firing his shotgun, buckshot piercing my chest. I fell, my last thought, for the moment, being 'Get here soon, Ellie. Donna needs you.'

Eleanor PoV:

                           "...Fucking onion-headed dipshit! For the love of Gwyn, I can't believe I traveled with her for so many years-" A gunshot filled the air, and my eyes widened, before I found myself in full sprint. My armor came on, my short spears leaped into my hands, and I saw that Donna's door was wide open. I rushed inside, and found Ethan Winters standing there, firing shotgun blast after shotgun blast at Donna, her dolls protecting her for the time being. I growled, Ethan swinging around to aim at me, flakes of mold flying off of him as he moved. He fired the gun, pellets slamming into my armor, but I just slammed into him, pushing him over. I raised my spears, bringing them down, and he aimed at my face, pure hatred in his eyes.

                            "DIE!" He roared, and pulled the trigger.

Daniela's PoV:

                            I watched Ella's head explode, and we screeched, swarming Ethan and cutting, biting, and clawing until he was stumbling drunkenly away, clutching the shotgun as he bled everywhere. He looked at us, and then at Aunt Donna, before raising the weapon and firing. We all screamed, Auntie Donna in pain as the shotgun hit her, us in fear of losing our aunt, and the pure anger of Ethan hurting her. Amelia burst through the door, fire in her eyes, and she swiftly leaped to him and sliced his neck, causing him to fall down, gurgling. She continued to stab him, until we swarmed over to Auntie Donna, and she followed after us. Auntie laid there, blood flowing out of multiple wounds, a small amount trickling out of her mouth. She looked at us, a sad smile forming on her face.

                            "I-I'm sorry d-dears. Y-You'll h-have to go o-on without m-me." She managed to say, Amelia shaking her head as Ella ran in, an odd look in her eyes.

                            "No, you aren't leaving us." Amelia growled, her voice cracking at the end. She reached into her belt, rummaging around for something, but she couldn't find it. She threw the belt at the ground, punching it and kicking it, before eventually sinking to her knees and crying. I swarmed over to hug her, and she attached herself to me, sobbing as I held her. I felt a third pair of arms wrap around us, and I looked to see Auntie Donna sitting there, wounds entirely gone, with a blank expression on her face. I looked to see Bela and Cass had the same expression, and when I looked to see Eleanor, I saw her laying on the ground, unmoving. Amelia and I both scrambled up, running over to her, and she chuckled dryly as we sat next to her.

                            "I diddddd ittttt againnnnn." Ella slurred, and Amelia eyes filled with fear.

                            "Ellie, no. You said-" "I lied, Lia. I never told you the truth...Wherever you go, the moon still sets in Irithyll. Wherever you may be, Irithyll is your home..." She murmured, her eyes glazing over.

                             "...That's where she died, you know? I couldn't lose more..." She obviously didn't know we were there, only focusing on Amelia.

                             "We can save you. That's not an impossibility." Amelia growled, raising her hand, and Mother stepped forward.

                             "I have your contingency plan. I wish you had said more about this, though." She murmured, before handing Amelia a large, ashen sword. She raised it, and looked at us.

                             "Cover your eyes, girls. This is going to be nasty." She plunged the sword deep into Ella's chest, and our vision was filled with fire.

Bela PoV:

                              I blinked, trying to figure out what happened. Last thing I had seen was fire, and Amelia plunging that sword into Eleanor's chest. Remembering Eleanor, I rushed forward, trying to find her, and a pair of arms caught me. 

                              "Don't. They'll all wake up soon anyways." I turned to see Eleanor, and she smiled at me.

                              "Hello Be-Mph!" I kissed her deeply, hugging her tightly as our tongues fought for dominance over one another. I won, exploring her mouth until she had to pull away for breath, her eyes blown out.

                               "Don't ever do that again!" I scowled at her, before hugging her even tighter, then realizing she was completely naked, minus a few scorched rags. I blushed, before handing her my cloak. She realized why a few moments later, and immediately put it on, giving me a quick kiss before two very excited swarms slammed into her, forming into my two sisters who immediately started kissing her. She giggled as I joined in, kisses being planted all over her face. She brought us over to a couch, which was miraculously unharmed, in fact everything was free of burns. I decided to question it later, laying down with Eleanor as she beckoned me and my sisters. We snuggled into her, and she planted kisses on our heads, the exhaustion of the day finally kicking in as we began to fall asleep.

                         ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, ENOUGH VIOLENCE ME. I mean shit, I said I wanted more romance in this damn book. Anyways, time skip next chapter, romance is going to now be the main focus, and smut in a few chapters. Sound good to everyone? Good. At any rate, have a lovely day, and goodbye!


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