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Eleanor's armor.

Eleanor PoV:

                         I groaned as I sat up, the bonfire glowing cheerfully in front of me. It had been so long since I had sat here that I had forgotten it was even here to begin with. I stood, bones cracking as I trekked back to the castle, readjusting to being alive again. I opened the door, making sure to shut it after I stepped inside, before walking down the hallway. As I walked, I heard sobbing, and I looked through a door to see the main room, where Donna and Amelia sat. Donna had her head in her hands, being the source of the crying. Amelia had an arm around her shoulders, making sure to be there for Donna while she grieved. She looked back to see me, and I could feel the glare from her helmet.

                          "Don't say a word. I'll be back in just a moment." I mouthed at her, and she rolled her eyes before turning back to Donna, fully hugging her now. I slipped down the hallway, entering a room where Duke sat, reading a book and smoking a cigar.

                          "Ahh, my Unkindled friend, how are you? A little swarm of flies told me you died." Duke chuckled, and I sighed.

                          "The jig's up. I'm a pile of ash that got up and starting stabbing people. I need that lantern I left with you ages ago." He smiled charitably, before reaching behind his counter and lifting out a lantern.

                          "Here you are, my friend! A little dusty, but it should be fine otherwise. Good luck to you, oh what is it that you say? Oh yes! May the sun shine upon you!" I waved goodbye to Duke, walking out of the room and into a wall, walking through my tunnels until I reached my room, where I found an old pair of short spears hung up on the wall. I crossed them across my back, before reentering my tunnels, until I reached the main room. Donna was still crying, and Amelia gave me an even harsher glare.

                         "You might as well explain. Gwyn knows I can't do it." Donna looked up in confusion, until she saw me. She immediately sprung up, before hugging me tightly. I gasped as the air was knocked out of me, and I sat there, eternally grateful for the bonfire nearby. She eventually released me, and I sucked air into my lungs. As I stood up, she punched me in the stomach, causing me to fold and lose all the air in my lungs again.

                         "Why would you do that! How are you alive! You-" She was cut off by the sound of buzzing, and I looked at Amelia in annoyance.

                         "Hey, dipshit. If I die here again, tell them I'm on my way back." "I'm the dipshit? You piece of-" Whatever she said was tuned out by the three swarms of flies that had slammed into me like ballistic missiles. I was instantly wrapped in three separate bone-crushing hugs, as each of the three girls embraced me. I started turning a deeper shade of blue from lack of oxygen, and they released me, letting me recover on the floor. As I stood, three sickles were pressed against my neck, as each sister fumed with silent rage.

                          "Jeez, at least take me to dinner first." I grumbled, and each sister blushed, but continued to hold their sickles to my throat.

                          "Okay, not the best opener, I'll say that. I will say, however, Amelia could've told you I was alive the entire time." Amelia's eyes widened as two sickles pressed against her throat, one from Daniela and one from Donna, who's niece had slipped her one. Bela and Cassandra stayed hovering their sickles over my throat.

                           "What. Happened." They all asked at once, and we gulped, before I began explaining.

                           "Well, you see, Amelia and I are what you call Unkindled. Basically, we're walking cremated corpses that got shellacked together. When we die, we come back at a little thing called a bonfire." They looked at us bewildered as I explained, before the duo facing me narrowed their eyes.

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