The Disappearance

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Text like this is the same kind of soft and quiet speech that Eleanor has. Text like this is just all three daughters talking.

Cassandra PoV:

                              Eleanor had been missing for over a month now, but we could still hear banging and stomping throughout the day and night. The most we had seen of her was a glowing blue eye staring out from the shadows, before disappearing. That was until Bela caught her in the cellar, cursing at a prehistoric pipe system. She had dragged her up to the library, which is why we were all staring her down while she sat on a couch. 

                               "My ladies, I need to go-" "No." We all said at once, making her flinch. She gulped, messing with her thumbs as we glared at her.

                               "Where have you been?" We asked, and she sighed.

                               "Fixing this castle's terrible systems. Not much else, really." We all narrowed our eyes and moved closer to her, causing her to tense up.

                              "Why are you lying?" We asked, and she frowned.

                              "I'm not. Now, if you wouldn't mind, my ladies, I need to-" Mother opened the door, and we swarmed over to her.

                              "Mother! Tell her to stop lying to us!" We pouted, and she gave Eleanor a pointed glare.

                              "And what are you lying about?" "The thing, my lady." Mother's face cleared of any anger immediately, and she turned to us.

                              "Daughters, please leave us. I need to discuss something with Eleanor." We all pouted, but a steely glare sent us away, and I wondered what they were discussing that was so important.

 Eleanor PoV:

                              "Where is he now?" Lady Dimitrescu asked, and I scratched the back of my neck as I stood.

                              "Sealed off, or so I think. I filled in all the entrances he could've used in the cellar, so I think we're fine." She nodded, about to speak, until a doorbell ringing caught our attention. We walked down to it, three swarms of flies joining us and forming into the trio of daughters. They sent me suspicious looks, which I ignored, as Lady Dimitrescu opened the front door.

                               "Ah! Donna, lovely to see you!" Lady Dimitrescu smiled widely, helping her sister inside before shutting the door behind her. Angie saw me and waved, causing me to smile and wave at the doll, who then launched herself at me.

                               "Where have you been? It's been weeks since you visited!" Angie shrieked, and I chuckled as I placed her on my shoulder.

                                "Well, I've been busy fixing things around the castle. I was going to visit as soon as I could, but here we are." I smiled at the pouting doll, who smiled back, before floating off to Lady Dimitrescu's daughters.

                                 "Hello Donna." I greeted the Dollmaker, earning a hug from her, which I reciprocated immediately.

                                 "Good to see you alive and well." She chuckled, and I laughed with her.

                                 "Oh I'm fine. I'm more concerned about you! Have you eaten or drank anything but tea recently?" I asked as Donna walked with me down the hall, leaving a bewildered Lady Dimitrescu and her equally bewildered daughters behind.

                                  "Yes, yes, Angie has been very adamant about it. Especially with Amel-I mean, especially since she would die if I wasted away." I turned towards her, raising a single eyebrow.

                                  "Who's this Amel you're talking about?" I asked, and Donna immediately started fidgeting, a tell-tale sign she was blushing under the veil. 

                                   "N-No one. Just an interesting woman I met a few weeks ago. Very interesting woman indeed..." She started trailing off at the end of that sentence, and I waved my hand in front of her face to regain her attention.

                                   "Well then, what's her name? I need to know so I can interrogate her." I asked, and she swatted my arm.

                                   "It's Amelia, and don't interrogate her! You keep chasing off people I find interesting." She grumbled, and I laughed.

                                   "Not my fault they had ill intentions with you. By the way, does big sister back there know?" "No she doesn't, and let's keep it that way-" We both shut up when heels approached from behind us, but the damage was already done.

                                    "What don't I know, little ghost?"

                              And it's FUCKING OVER! Sort of. It's a short chapter, I know, but I wanted it to get out and about, with, of course, a cliffhanger, everyone's favorite. I'll be updating more regularly, and the size of the chapters will probably vary depending on what I need to communicate, but we'll be back on a somewhat consistent schedule. Maybe. Either way, have a lovely day, and goodbye!


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