(KOTLC) Marelliana - Soulmate AU

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TW: Internalized homophobia, scars (physical), if there are any more lmk

As soon as Biana saw her, she knew. She was exactly how Biana had been told her soulmate would look like--ice blue eyes, curly blonde hair, light skin, and the most endearing smirk in the history of the elvin world.

Only problem: she was a girl.
An alluring girl with golden hair tossed carelessly over her shoulder that caught the Foxfire hall lights just perfectly, yes, but still a girl.

Girls weren't supposed to like girls.

It was one of the unwritten rules of the Lost Cities: Girls like boys. Boys like girls. Nothing else.

And it sucked, because Biana didn't like boys.

And she really liked girls.

As soon as Marella Redek caught the eye of Biana Vacker, she knew her suspicions had been right all along.

Her soulmate wasn't Fitz Vacker. It was his sister.

Now, this news wasn't exactly surprising, but Marella knew it could still ruin her life, ruin her mom's life even more than it already was.

She couldn't be that selfish.

So she settled for pining after the pretty Vacker girl in secret, staring at her long brown hair from across the room and wishing she could run her fingers through it. Wishing she could look into those teal eyes for more than half a second before glancing away. Wishing she could be herself. Wishing anyone in the same scenario could be themselves.

But wishing did nothing.

When Sophie Foster came to Foxfire, all Biana could think of was how she immediately became friends with Marella. It wasn't fair. She spent years staring at the girl in secret, exchanging looks when no one was looking, and the new freak-girl got to hang out with her.

So she decided to finally suck it up and befriend them.

When Biana Vacker started hanging out with them, Marella's first reaction was to leave. But she (selfishly) convinced herself there was no harm done as long as they were just talking and nothing else. She pretended to hate the Vacker, though, just to be safe.

The more she thought about it, the more confused she got . How would a relationship between two girls even work? Who would know the other was their soulmate? Marella knew, of course. But did Biana suspect? Were all those looks she exchanged with Marella during P. E. and lunch merely something to do while she was bored? Did she also go through the standard dream where a Mentor listed all the features their soulmate would have? Did she also feel sparks the first time their eyes met? Girls were supposed to have those dreams at nine years old, while boys heard a piece of music that somehow described their soulmate perfectly in a way no one could explain. The day after soulmates kissed, the girl was supposed to hear the music and the boy was supposed to have the dream. Would that happen after Biana and Marella kissed?

They'd never kiss, though. That'd be something straight out of a fantasy book humans have.

Marella put her head on Biana's shoulder. They were both sitting down, leaning against a  certain tree in the Wanderling Woods. They couldn't bear to look at that one or the one beside it. It was too painful. They didn't want the memories. They didn't want the guilt, the what ifs. They wanted Sophie and Dex. They wanted each other. They wanted to be able to force their eyes shut, go to sleep, and redo everything that happened over the past year.

But they couldn't.

Biana hated herself. Marella wouldn't talk to her. She wouldn't talk to any of them. Biana was pretty sure she was the only one who thought of the blonde when they ran away to join the Neverseen, and she only didn't mention it because she didn't want her friend to get injured. She didn't regret it at all, but she also really missed Marella's smirk, Marella's looks she'd send her at any given time, the spark in Marella's icy eyes whenever she got angry, and just Marella in general.

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