(PJO) Solangelo - First Kiss

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Requested by my bestie ihatemydamlife_

Also shoutout to another bestie TheasDamBooks for knowing Norwegian and helping me

Nico and Will had been dating for some time now, yet they hadn't been on a real date yet.
They hadn't even kissed, which, in Nico's opinion, was kind of sad, because Will always looked so dam kissable.

Today, Nico was hoping to do both of those things. He'd planned out an entire date in New York City.

Planned meaning he came up with a couple ideas he may or may not do.

Now he was in his room a couple minutes before the date, in his "fancy clothes," aka ripped jeans, his aviator jacket, and a black T-shirt, desperately searching for a drachma.

Why did he want a drachma?

To Iris Message Reyna and make sure this whole thing wasn't a terrible mistake, obviously.

He finally found one in the pocket of one of the pairs of sweatpants he should've put in the washer days before and grabbed a small prism he kept handy in his room. He set up the prism angle just right and tossed the drachma in. "O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering," he murmured. "Reyna Ramírez-Arellano, Camp Jupiter."

The praetor's face showed up, looking slightly irritated until she saw who it was.

"Nico? Are you okay?"

Nico started pacing around the dark room and twisting his skull ring on his finger. "I don't know. I have my first date with Will in a few minutes, and I have no idea what to say, or do, or how to act."

"Need advice?" Reyna smiled when Nico nodded. "I'm not the best in that department, but I can try. For one, you're taking him on a walk, right? Don't forget to hold his hand, and if he looks even slightly cold, offer him a jacket. For two, just be yourself. He doesn't want to date some fake version of yourself, he wants to date the authentic you. For three, if all else fails, I-M me again."

"I'm also planning on--on actually kissing him, though." Nico's voice dropped to a whisper. "What do I do?"

"Well, make sure to tilt your head so your noses don't bump. Everyone's first kiss is awkward, so don't feel bad if things go downhill," Reyna reassured. "And--"

She was interrupted by knocking on Nico's door.

"I gotta go now," he said hurriedly.
"Good luck!" Reyna called as he swiped through the rainbow, effectively breaking the connection.

Nico took a deep breath, turned, and opened the door.

"Your first language wasn't English either?" Nico asked, shocked. He was walking hand-in-hand with Will in the middle of Central Park, and Will had just casually mentioned Norweigan was actually his first language.

Will laughed at his boyfriend's reaction. "Yeah, but I sadly forget most of it now, since we moved when I was only four and tried to focus on learning English instead of remembering Norweigan. I still know a few phrases, though."

"Can you tell me something in it?" Nico asked.

"Only if you tell me something in Italian," Will countered.

"Io sono nervoso,"  (used Google translate for that so it may not be accurate) Nico said, the words coming out smoothly and sounding as beautiful as he looked when he said it.

Will smiled softly at him, making his heart race and the rest of his completely melt. "Du er veldig kjekk."

"What'd you say?" Nico asked once he broke out of his trance of being completely in awe of the way his boyfriend said those few words.

"What'd you say?"

"I'm not telling you!" Nico fake scowled.

"Then I'm not telling you," Will stated calmly as they turned on to another path.

"Fine. Be like that," Nico grumbled.

Will merely grinned.

Nico shifted the bags he'd insisted on carrying to his other shoulder. They were full of food, blankets, and basically everything else they'd need for a basic picnic. Nico had never had a picnic before (that he remembered), so he wasn't really sure what to expect. He did know the bags were extremely heavy, though.

Will let go of his hand and reached over to his shoulder and took a bag off, shushing him when he started to protest. "These are way too heavy for you to carry alone."

"I'll be fine," Nico whined.

"Put no more stress on that shoulder than necessary. You yanked it out of the socket a few weeks ago, remember? I don't think you want that to happen again. And don't you dare say you don't care. You are only carrying one bag, max. Doctor's orders."

"Children of Apollo," Nico muttered, shooting Will a look before deciding it would be a waste of time to argue further.

"Are we almost there?" Will asked.

"You tell me." Nico shrugged.

"I say we are," Will decided, moving to the side and putting his bag on the ground. Nico did the same.

They set up in peaceful silence, every once in a while stopping to send smiles that said way more than words ever would to each other.

When they were done laying down the rainbow blanket (Will insisted on taking it) and placing the food down on each corner so the light blanket didn't fly away at the first sign of wind, they sat down next to each other and began eating.

"I love how out of all the places you could've gotten food at, you went to Pizza Hut," Will said after a moment.

"Well, you said I had to cut down on McDonald's, so I chose the next best thing," Nico reasoned. "And pizza is one of your favorite foods."

The fact that Nico remembered that from a single conversation they'd had months earlier made Will's heart melt. He wrapped an arm around Nico, smiling when he leaned into his touch and did the same a few moments after.

For a few minutes, they just sat like that. Neither of them said anything until Will suddenly remembered a promise Nico made.

"You told me you'd explain how to play Mythomagic soon," he reminded his boyfriend. "That was about a month ago, and you haven't done anything yet."
Nico shifted slightly. "But it's a kid's game and it's kinda dumb."

"I love dumb!" Will said.
Nico seemed to realize Will wasn't going to give up, so he sighed and leaned back. "I'll start with the gods."

"–which is stupid, because Dionysus is actually really powerful. Yeah, ye only has 500 attack power, but he can make his opponents blackout drunk! Also–" Nico paused when he noticed how his boyfriend was staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing," Will reassured, though he had a small smile on his face as he said it.

"No, really, what is it?" Nico asked.
"You get this spark in your eyes when you talk about things you are passionate about," Will stated. "And you look even more gorgeous with it, which I didn't know was even possible."

Nico turned as red as Calypso's face the one time Leo pranked her by mixing hair dye. "Well–I–"

Will chuckled, cupping his face gently with one of his hands, effectively making Nico even more flustered. "And now you look even cuter."

Nico wasn't sure who initiated it. He didn't really care. All he cared about was the soft lips of Will Solace against his.

And Reyna was wrong. His first kiss wasn't awkward. Not by a long shot.

It was perfect.

This was extremely rushed. And unedited . But shhh
Word count: 1.2k
Cya later

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