(KOTLC) Sokeefe - Blinded

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Ok so I hate that title but whatever

This is right after they beat le Neverseen

They're not together yet btw

Sophie woke up to darkness. And it terrified her. After years of living in buildings made out of crystal, something this dark, this full of shadows just seemed...unnatural. It reminded her of when she was tied to a chair, heavily sedated, desperately trying to transmit to Fitz. But that was years ago. She was older now. Stronger. Smarter. She shouldn't be this afraid.

Yet she was.

"Gra-Grady?" Her voice sounded shaky. "Edaline? Keefe? Dex? Biana? Anyone?"

A voice spoke up, startling her. "I'm here, Foster."

"Wh-where's everyone else? Did we win? Did they--they didn't--they're still--" She wasn't sure how to finish that sentence. Just the thought of her friends and family being gone sent shivers up her spine and made the darkness she saw all around her seem to envelop her consciousness.

"They're still alive," Keefe reassured, making Sophie's posture sink at least an inch in relief. "Everyone is. Most of them are asleep, sedated, or too--too injured to move right now. Elwin and Livvy said they could treat all their wounds, though. Well, every wound except..." he trailed off.

"Except what? And why's everything so dark?"

"Except your eyes," Keefe whispered.

Sophie felt like she'd been hit in the stomach with a bullet. "What do you mean?"

She had a sinking feeling she already knew.

"Elwin wasn't able to save your eyes in time," Keefe murmured quietly. "Sophie, I'm so sorry. I was right beside you. I should've realized sooner, should've deflected the blasts from that stupid zapper weapon, should've--"

"And gotten yourself injured?" Sophie questioned. "No way. I'm just glad no one else is permanently hurt."

Though she wished none of them had to deal with something like this.

There was a bit of silence so quiet Keefe's could've dropped a Prattle's pin and Sophie would hear it. Then she asked him the question she'd been wondering the entire time but was too scared to mention before. "Did we win?"

"Yes, Foster." Keefe's voice sounded stronger than it was before. "We finally won, thanks to your inflicting. It was a really good idea to inflict peacefulness on them. I didn't know that was possible."

"I don't think any of us did," Sophie pointed out.

"Fair enough." Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand, startling her. He didn't let go, though. "I'm really sorry that had to happen, Sophie. It really shouldn't have."

"It's not your fault," Sophie reminded him gently. "Also, what happened to the Neverseen?"

"They were each put into separate prisons with security measures against both skills and abilities," Keefe informed her. "I went in one---it sucked. The walls were constantly changing, the light was shifting, and I heard whispers all around me. I'd be willing to bet they'll all be driven insane within the first few days."

"Good." Sophie's voice was harder now. "They deserve all of that and so much more."

They both stayed quiet for a bit, until Sophie thought of a new question to ask. "Keefe?"


"Where are we?" No matter how hard she tried, all she could see was the darkness.

"The Healing Center. Elwin had to add many more rooms because of how crowded it got. This room is empty except you and me, though."

For some reason, that simple sentence made Sophie blush. She could imagine Keefe smirking at her while saying it. She just wished she could see it.

After a few more moments of nothing but quiet and more darkness, Sophie spoke again. "It--it's so dark, Keefe," she breathed, reaching up and tugging an eyelash, narrowly missing her eye.

Keefe squeezed her hand. "I'm right here, Foster. And I'm not leaving. By the way, Elwin said you could go right after you woke up, so if you want me to escort you to Havenfield, where everything is slightly more familiar--only slightly, though--I will."

"I don't need an escort," Sophie said, standing up and immediately tripping over her own foot.

"Foster, you can barely walk in normal situations. You definitely need an escort. And, unfortunately for you, I'm the only non-Physician conscious in this place."

Sophie sighed. "Alright, then. Let's just get out of here. I've spent enough time in the Healing Center to last an elvin lifetime."

Keefe directed/dragged her to the beam of light that would take them to Havenfield slowly, making sure to always catch her when she fell. When they got there, Sophie had a sudden thought.

"What if my concentration timing gets all messed up because I can't see?"

"That won't happen," Keefe quickly reassured her. "I've talked to Livvy and Elwin about anything that would affect you, and that wasn't one of them. I'll go over them with you when we get there."

Sophie nodded, though she wasn't 100% convinced.

"Here, what about this," Keefe suggested. "I leap both of us there."

"You'll take us straight to Havenfield?" Sophie confirmed. "No 'detours?'" She put the word in air quotes, remembering a few times where he said he'd grab one thing from a place and quickly get back, then return with about 40 different types of pranking gear.

"None," Keefe promised. "When it comes to things like this, Foster, pranks are my second priority."

Sophie raised her eyebrows. "What's your first?"

Keefe lead her to the beam of light. "You."

I hate this sm like wth-

That was so heckin rushed

And only 0.8k words

And unedited

Wth am I doing with my life

Well, cya, ig


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