(Hunger Games + Percy Jackson) Katniss - Moonlit Maidens

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Spoilers for the HG series!

This was requested by HeartstopperPJO

TW: Mentions of a cult

Katniss gazed warily around the forest, checking for any hidden people or cameras. There was always a chance they'd find her.

"They" being the government. Actually, more like the entire country.

Why would she be running from them, you might ask.

Well, that's simple. She killed their president. Not Snow, like she was supposed to. No, she killed Coin. And, instead of letting them take her wherever they wanted to and probably face a trial, she ran.

She ran as far away as possible. No one even attempted to stop her. They were all in shock. By the time what had happened registered to each of them, Katniss was out of the building. She could only imagine the chaos that caused.

Katniss shook her head, her tangled black hair flying everywhere. She couldn't be thinking of that. It'd just distract her.

Suddenly, she was surrounded by about thirty different people.

Frick, she thought, drawing her bow and furrowing her eyebrows as she quickly realized there was no way she was escaping. They all had bows, too.

They're all girls, the oldest being abut 16 and the youngest...9? That's really young, she noted.

"What do you want?" Katniss snarled, deciding there was no reason to be civil.

A girl who seemed to be the oldest there with short black hair and a silver circlet stepped forward. She somehow managed to radiate power and authority. "Lower your bow and we'll lower ours," she ordered.

Katniss pursed her lips, looking around her to see if there was any way she could escape. There were a couple of trees she could probably duck behind, and the forest was dark enough that if she got far enough, they wouldn't be able to see her, but all the girls looked to be in shape. There was no way her malnourished self could outrun them for even half a second. She glared at the supposed leader and lowered her bow, her eyes still darting around, looking for any possible escape routes.

Surprisingly, everyone actually slung their bows over their shoulders, though they still looked tense and ready to grab the weapons at a moment's notice.

"Who are you?" the leader asked. Katniss took note of her electric blue eyes that seemed...unnatural, somehow.

"You don't know?" Katniss asked, genuinely surprised. She had no idea how long she'd been on the run for, but she was pretty sure there'd be Wanted posters all over. Then again, these girls didn't exactly seem to be normal people who checked the newspapers and such that often.

"Is there a reason we should know?" the girl countered.

"Well..." Katniss hesitated, not sure exactly how much information she should share.

The leader shook her head. "Y'know what, we'll get back to that later. I'm Thalia Grace, lieutenant of the goddess Artemis. I know this seems extremely strange, but you're a demigod. Not sure whose daughter you are, but some Greek or Roman god or goddess is your parent. Our falcons saw you from afar and could sense that you were a demigod." She paused, most likely giving Katniss a moment to comprehend that information, which she definitely needed.

What are they...what? Isn't that impossible? What are they on? How did I not notice the falcons?

One of the falcons landed on Thalia's shoulder. It was a rich brown colour and had dark, intelligent eyes.

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