(PJO) Percy x Reader - The Ocean

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Percy is single in this btw

Y/N sat up on their beach towel and stared at the sparkling water, eyes full of longing. They knew they couldn't go out in it. They didn't want to face the consequences.

What if I do it, just this once? They wondered. Neptune would probably be okay with it as long as I don't do it again, right?

No, they answered themself, pursing their lips firmly. Neptune is bad luck and will show no mercy, especially to a child of Jupiter. Lupa made that very clear. Plus, I still need to get to the camp.

Y/N stood up, ready to pack up their few belongings and leave before they made a decision they would regret, but stopped as they saw a beautiful stranger emerge from the watery depths a couple feet away.

He's gorgeous. They stared in awe as he stood up, combing out his strangely dry hair.

He looked up and made eye contact, grinning as Y/N quickly looked down, internally freaking out.

HOW are his eyes THAT PRETTY? They're so--so green! So stunning and...amazing.

He strode over to Y/N, a small smirk still on his face. They vaguely registered that he seemed perfectly dry despite getting out of the literal ocean moments ago. "Hello! What's your name? I'm Percy--AHH!" he exclaimed as he tripped on a rock and hit the sand face-first.

Y/N stared in shock for a moment. "Oh my goodness, are you okay?" they asked when they realized how rude they probably seemed.

Percy sat up and shook sand out of his black hair, his face bright red. "I guess I fell for you," he muttered, not seeming too confident but still looking up hopefully.

He did not just try a pick-up line on me, Y/N thought, with varying levels of amusement. After a moment, though, to their surprise--and Percy's relief--they started giggling. "That was awful. It was truly awful."

Percy stood up and smiled awkwardly. "I know it was. Never got your name, by the way."

"Not sure if you deserve it, with that whole...scene," Y/N teased, immediately regretting it as his face fell. "Wait, no, I was kidding! It's Y/N."

"Y/N." He tested the name on his mouth. "I like it. It definitely fits with you."

Y/N's small smile quickly turned into a huge grin, though they forced their face into a neutral expression when they remember what they were supposed to be doing. "Thanks, I guess. I really must get going, though."

Percy frowned, causing Y/N to feel bad.

"Hey, do you have a piece of paper on you?" they asked, already regretting what they'd started.

He stared blankly at them. "I was just swimming. In the ocean. Where paper gets destroyed."

Y/N flushed, wanting to disappear on the spot. "Here--just give me your arm." They yanked Percy roughly towards them, dragged him towards their backpack, rummaged through it for a moment, and took out a pen.

"What's that for?" he asked.

Y/N ignored him and starting writing on his arm.

"Did you just--just write your Instagram account info on my arm?"

"See ya later, Percy!" Y/N called as they grabbed their stuff and ran towards the Uber that'd been waiting for the past 5 minutes.

Last transferred oneshot for now lmao




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