viii. spoons

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Maya couldn't believe that she had followed through with Flash. She was walking home in the emptier streets of Queens, by herself, and taking her time. She had gone on a ... date with Jason Ionello, mainly just for entertainment, and he was the same as she remembered (which was not a good thing in her opinion).

It wasn't necessarily bad, but it wasn't good either. They had kind of just split after the event, and she watched him get into the taxi, telling him she would take the subway, before walking off and making her way home.

She liked the cool night air blowing her hair back, and plus, it was a more lowkey way to patrol (although she didn't have her suit or police radio with her, so it was a little more inconvenient than normal).

It was going all great until the catcallers.

Maya had walked past a group of drunk men, who seemed all too invested in their own incoherent and slurred conversation until she saw out of her peripheral vision that they were smacking each others' arms and nodding their heads toward her as she walked back.

They stood up behind her, and she sped up only slightly so as to not look too suspicious and wary, but wanting to get away faster.

And of course, cue the whistling.

"Where you goin' all by yourself, girlie?" one of them called out after her.

She didn't bother turning around as she kept walking on, but she could tell they were still following her with their eyes.

"Your mom's house," she called out.

"Why don't you give us a show?" she heard one of them say.

"Of me fucking your mom?" she yelled back, turning her head around.

There were five of them and three bottles being passed between them. She turned towards them with a heavy sigh and flashed them a sarcastic smile.

"You want a show?" she said under her breath and they didn't hear. "I'll give you a show."

She reached her arm back to where the zipper of her dress was, and they started hooting and hollering.

Maya didn't know what kind of idiot they were, thinking she would actually pull down the zipper. She took out one of the small knives she had hidden there, and before they could realize she wasn't in fact taking off her clothes, she threw it.

She didn't really have to use her abilities to throw knives well. Maybe it was assisting her, but after all the times in actually making the throwing motion to make it look natural, she had picked up some knowledge.

The knife sailed through the air, and the sharp object barely grazed the main perpetrator's ear and landed right next to his head. His cronies looked at him, before looking back at her in fear and running away, but he stayed.

She heard something dropping in from behind her, quickly peeked, and rolled her eyes when she realized it was Spandex-man from the night before.

He walked up to stand in line with her, and they both watched the man in front of them with scrutiny, wondering what he was going to do and what they would have to do.

The man reached up to his ear, touched it a bit, and brought it back up to his face to inspect the fresh blood on his finger. In an unexpected move, he smelled it before sucking it off in a vulgar fashion.

Both Maya and the guy in the suit next to her recoiled before exchanging a weirded-out glance. She didn't want to have any sort of friendly exchange with him, but considering their company, he seemed to be the only stable one there with her.

"Are you trying to turn me on?" he asked.

Maya opened her mouth to speak before shutting it again and resorted to an uncomfortable frown. Well, that's a different breed of pervert.

TROUBLE, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now