xiv. the aforementioned repercussions

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Maya woke up in her bed the next day, snuggled in her warm sheets. She was convinced last night had been a dream before remembering that she had literally crawled through a sewer, washed herself in a drug store bathroom, then kissed the boy she really liked.

Her hand smacked her face in embarrassment.

Obviously she had washed her face, cleaned her mouth, and washed the rest of herself down as best she could, but she wasn't expecting Peter to have shown up at her balcony. She had been planning on taking a hot shower and drifting off to sleep—sans the superhuman healing.

Yeah, she was definitely feeling that now.

"Shit," she hissed, seeing that she had woken up later than normal.

Maya groaned, throwing her blankets off of her.

She shouldn't even be going to school today. Everything hurt when she moved, and she struggled to walk to the bathroom. As she took off her clothes and warmed up the water, she looked at herself in the mirror.

Large scars in the shape of claw marks resided on the left side of her waist, small bruises littered her ribcage, and a massive bruise spanned her backside, from her shoulders to the middle of her spine.

Scratches and other small bruises had taken over her face. It definitely wasn't the most concerning thing ever, but it was bound to draw some attention if she didn't cover it up.

Stepping into the shower, she felt a bit of temporary relief as the hot water cascaded on her back bruising. She ran a hand through her hair, washing the grime out of it, only to find some bits of dried blood washing out that she missed the other day.

Maya grimaced. She was not in very good shape. Everything hurt as she stepped out of the shower.

She had already cleaned her claw wound the other day in the drug store, but she cleaned it again just to be safe, before putting on light makeup on her face to conceal anything suspicious. The makeup was probably expired at this point, considering she stopped using it and never needed to buy more after the freak accident had occurred.

That'll have to do, she thought to herself.

Maya looked at herself in the mirror once more, blushing a little when remembering what happened with Peter last night, before reprimanding herself in her head for being a silly teenage girl in love.

She scoffed at herself—not without a small, uncontrollable smile though—before drying her hair and exiting the bathroom, quickly pulling on her clothes and packing her backpack.

Getting slammed into the locker was the absolute worst.

A group of basketball players not paying attention to their walking and too engaged in their conversation had brushed past her, one of their shoulders hitting hers. Half of the slam was from their knocking shoulders, the other half was her failed attempt at swerving out of the way.

"Sorry, MJ," Flash called over his shoulder, seeing who it was.

A few of the other players turned, seeing as Flash had addressed her.

She put up a hand as a wave while offering a weak smile to reassure him that it was fine.

It didn't do much reassurance for Gwen, however, who was next to Maya at their lockers.

"You okay?" she asked.

Maya nodded. "Just the locker banks, I'll survive."

"You winced when you hit the lockers," said Gwen. "You didn't hit it that hard and it didn't look like your head hit the metal."

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