x. giant lizard shenanigans

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Of course it was a giant lizard man that was terrorizing the bridge—because what else would it be?

Maya had shed her street clothes as she was running, and she was now perched on the top of the bridge.

She tied her pants and sweater around the top of the bridge to keep them from blowing away. Maya reached into her purse and took out the black fabric making up her mask and put it on, tying it over her features, all the meanwhile keeping an eye on the giant lizard crawling around.

She had no idea what the lizard was doing. It was only looking in cars and shoving them a few inches before moving on. She didn't want to start an unnecessary fight. The lizard pushed one of the cars and its alarm started going off. Maya frantically strapped down the rest of her knives and bullets onto her body.

As soon she saw its claws gripping the car, Maya held it down by mind force, only having it been lifted a few inches. It was straining on her mind and body as she tried to hold down an entire car from so far away. She made her way closer.

Maya leaped down from the bridge, hoping to land on the car to get in close combat with the lizard (who had moved on to the next car) when a swinging body knocked straight into her. Quick reflexes on the swinging body's behalf made it so an arm held her up and swung her with them.

"People will talk if we keep meeting like this," he said, his voice traveling through the air.

And of course Spider-Man was also there.

"Then stop getting in my way," she said, matching his tone.

Another car flew and they both reacted. Spider-Man shot out a web, his arm flexing a bit to hold Maya against him even tighter, and Maya suspended the car in the air before moving it back onto the road.

"Letting go now," he called out.

"So soon?" she asked sarcastically.

His arm released her, and she dropped down, landing skillfully on the roof of a car. Another car started flying and Maya was about to move it when a giant tail flipped her off her feet and left her sailing through the air. She let herself be carried by the momentum and looked to see that Spider-Man had dangled the car to the bridge before she stopped her flight and magnetized herself back to the bridge.

"Hey, have you ever fought a giant green lizard before?" Spider-Man called out to her.

Maya huffed out a breath as she swung herself over the railing of the bridge to get back on the bridge.

"No, because giant green lizards didn't start showing up until you got there," she said.

Spider-Man was handling the cars and stopping them from flying into the water, and Maya stuck to shooting knives at the lizard. They landed in its flesh, and the lizard seemed to be in pain for a few seconds before ripping out the knives and launching them back at Maya. She stopped them from doing any serious damage before collecting them all again.

"What can I say? I'm the life of the party," he said.

She rolled her eyes. "That's not something to be proud of in this context."

As the lizard started harassing another car, Maya looked up to see Spider-Man prepping for a swing. She figured he had it covered, and she made her way to the other side of the bridge where she worked on lifting the cars back onto land.

The first car went over easy enough.

"Incoming!" she heard from the other direction.

It was the second car that started giving her a headache. She put it back onto the bridge in a safe area and walked over to get closer to the third car when she stumbled a bit, feeling lightheaded and having sharp, shooting pains in her muscles and limbs all over her body.

TROUBLE, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now