xvii. self-control (and the lack thereof)

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Peter didn't visit for the rest of her time spent in bed resting. She stayed out of school a little bit longer than the time that school was closed for, but now she was ready to go back. There weren't as many stares as the sophomore year incident, so that was something to be grateful for.

Maya found herself at her locker by herself loading her books in and watching all the students rush by. Her breathing stilled as she saw Peter Parker walking up to her with a sheepish grin and his hands awkwardly rubbing up and down his arms.

"We talked about this," she pleaded when he reached her.

"I technically never promised," said Peter.

She cracked a small smile, tilting her head and looking at him with conflict.




It was more stern that time and with less trailing.

"Maya," he said. "You should know that I, too, have really bad self-control."

Maya stood still in her spot, thudding her shoulder against the locker and leaning against the locker wall. She stayed conflicted in her spot.

It was like some uncontrollable, gravitational pull (ahem, teenage hormones) forced her to take a step closer, diminishing the distance between them.

"And," Peter continued, "you should also know—" he leaned his head down as she tilted hers slightly up "—it worsens around you."

Maya felt herself leaning into him and looking at him in anticipation.

If anyone claimed that her eyes had flicked down to his lips, she would've ... well, she was a bit preoccupied at the moment, but she would've thought of something.

"Peter, you promised," she whispered.

"Maya, I technically never said yes," he said. "Just say the word though, and I'll walk out of your life and leave you alone."

She huffed out a breath and shook her head to herself, squeezing her eyes and purring her lips together in conflict.

"Peter, you know about my terrible self-control," Maya said before closing the excruciatingly painful distance between them.

She placed a hand on his neck before pressing his lips onto hers. Her previous worries had been going in a flurry around her mind, taking her every which way, but finding solace in Peter's arms silenced those thoughts and allowed her to feel happiness for the first time in the last few weeks.

author note

- chapter is a short king

- tasm1 done!!

- who knows how long it'll take me to do tasm2

- took almost a year for tasm1 even though I started December 21, 2021 and did the first 10ish chapters in a week or two, and then I took a 6 month break and did the other chapters, again, in a week or so, and now (October 2022) I'm finally looking at it and acknowledging my son again

(updated author note)

- omg it's been, like, a year

- i suddenly remembered this because i got back into reading fanfics again

- this came to me in a fever dream in Hawaii but I couldn't do anything about it because I didn't have my laptop so the story idea was all jumbling about, and then I got back and it scrambled out

- I started tasm2 (hence why the preliminaries have "disc 1/side a", implying a "disc 2/side b"

- buuuuuuuut it's been a year and I returned; I looked at what I have for tasm2 (good bullet points/outline!) but i have completely abandoned my son

- decided to bulk drop this before it's lost forever, but I am contemplating whether or not to finish the tasm2 (i only have 1.25 chapters and it does not begin to cover canon plots.) 

- also I had no way home ideas, but seeing the rate I am going at ... ://

- if you're still here, yay! thank you for reading! even just reads/kudos/tiny comments here and there fill my little hollow heart with joy

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